Me time.
I’ve had a good couple of days. I finished a letter I’d long been wanting to write- and now I’ve just got to send it. It was one of those letters full of things that could possibly make you look like a complete fool, but I’ve come to realize...
Today has been so nice. We have been outside the entire day- finishing planting, eating lunch together, Jeff’s been fixing our bikes… oh breezy sunny loveliness! We’re all planted except for the winter squash and the pole beans- we have to dig up sod and we’ve saved that for...
On Mondays and Fridays I’ve been watching Tuula for the morning while her papa goes to class. It’s been fine so far- occasionally I’ve got two babies that need something simultaneously, and that can be hard. Otherwise we play, they somehow both get fed- although I usually forget to-...
Ok, my baby has just discovered that she has a rockin set of lungs and a pair of vocal chords to go with it! She will get in these squealing moods that you can mostly ignore, but occasionally I have to look down in amazement at the sheer power...
Poison Ivy sucks!!!
Other than that things are awesome. But the rash all over my arm and left side of my chest is really irritating. I think I’d like this to be the LAST time I ever get this. First and last. Sounds great.
So we are a little behind schedule, mainly due...
Out with the old…
and in with the new, right? I am very improved, but now I have poison ivy. I think I got it from clearing out the flower beds. We had some last year that I thought we destroyed. “thought” is the operative word in that sentence. I seriously didn’t see...
Milk and stuff
So I have what is called a “plugged duct.” Basically there is some kind of “obstruction” and my milk is having issues coming out. It actually really hurts, and yesterday it hit me hard. I felt nauseous and then had a fever for most of the day and some...
I choose to risk my significance…
Busy busy. Good as usual. My baby has a very very snotty nose. I have to squeegee it, and then she yells at me. Other than that I’ve been planting some native flowers- wild geraniums, columbine, “yellows”, iris… It’s all very exciting. I love this time of year. There’s...
It was bound to happen at some point…
Today Vera had her first official “blowout”, or in other words, a poop explosion. You know, she was cooing away in her chair and gnawing on her hands while I did some dishes and started making breakfast. Her brow furrowed, her face turned a pale red, and her eyes...