Me time.
I’ve had a good couple of days. I finished a letter I’d long been wanting to write- and now I’ve just got to send it. It was one of those letters full of things that could possibly make you look like a complete fool, but I’ve come to realize that life is too important to think like that. I’m always finding myself reassured by people who are just honestly themselves. They leave me feeling like all the things I think but do not say are totally normal and fine. I have met several people like this and I catch myself inhaling their confidence and unique energy. Anyway, long story short, it’s important for me to send this letter. Cuz screw my insecurities.
Last night was my grandpa’s 90th birthday. He looks, oh, 70 or so. I’m hoping he’s around for a while. Afterwards was meant to be “girl’s night” which I was late for, so I ended up just having a cocktail with one of my friends a couple of blocks from my house. It was really nice. I was only out for a couple of hours, but I was able to just get lost in conversation and laughing and just being out. We talked like we always do, but there’s something about going out at night that is really refreshing. I woke up this morning feeling good. I think I should do that more often- just making a point to go out and do something with friends and leave the baby with Jeff for a bit. This girl’s night thing is slated to be once a month, but I think I need a once a week evening outing sans-baby. Plus, I got home late and the house was quiet and dark. I slipped into bed and turned on my dim light and laid my hand on Vera’s back and said a quick prayer for her and felt her breathing. Then I looked at Jeff, all silly and long with a pillow over his head. I went to sleep feeling even more grateful for my family.
There is something so friendly about inchworms.
May 31st:
I caught a serious looking spider that day. I’m not really scared of them, but sometimes I get paranoid that they will have kazillions of babies in my pillow or something. So I like to escort them outside whenever possible.
June 1st:
The monthly backyard shot. You can see the strings to the right going up to the awning. You can’t really see them but those are where the hops plants are growing- I got them for Jeff as a graduation present. They will make a cool natural screen I think. From closest to furthest we are growing: Bed #1- tomatillos (pineapple, purple, and regular), beets, spinach, and red spinach. Bed #2: Summer squash (pattypan, zucchini, crookneck), radishes (white icicle and red), celery, nasturtium. Bed #3: Brussel sprouts, salad mix, red leaf lettuce, collard greens, arugula. In other parts of the yard we’ve also got lots of tomatoes, more lettuces, cucumbers, more nasturtium, peppers, eggplant, winter squash, pole beans, cilantro and basil. It’s going to be a delicious year.
June 2nd:
Speaking of deliciousness. I really like my herb garden out front- I have a serious love for dill. I could eat it by itself, but I throw it in everything- eggs, sandwiches, salads, whatever.
Bonus pictures:
She’s got this bald spot on the back of her head. It’s from her head rubbing against her bouncy chair and whatever else she’s laying on. Anyway, it’s so funny and prominent because she’s got so much hair everywhere else. I’ve found it’s a perfect spot to kiss, though.
I like taking pictures of her face like this. There’s something so sweet about it.
Quote of the day:
“The past with its pleasures, its rewards, its foolishness, its punishments, is there for each of us forever, and it should be.” -Lillian Hellman
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- On Grace - January 27, 2025
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i love dill in my mac n cheese dishes!
your garden looks beautiful. and you baby is gorgeous!
Ooh, I might have to have that for dinner…
You know, ever since you came to visit Doug (our friend upstairs) has been talking about how sweet Eli was, and how cute he was. Because Eli is such an adorable kiddo. Anyway, I just thought I would pass that along. He couldn’t get over how he’d hug Vera. 🙂
Your garden looks amazing!!!!! Oh how i wish i had space for a garden! And your bebe is beautiful as always!
also, that spider looks intimidating do you know what type of spider it is?
edited to add: i’m glad you had such a good time out!! i’m not a parent so i don’t really know first hand, but i think its so important for mamas to have a little time to themselves doing something they want to do. especially if it involves good friends and fun.
Thanks! I think that rule doesn’t just apply to mamas, but to everyone. Although I think mamas forget to do it sometimes!
No space for a garden? Well when you come to MI you can have some veggies from mine!
Yeah, we researched it and found that it must be some kind of jumping spider… I thought it was huge, but then I remind myself that in many parts of the world there are house spiders the size of your fist. *shudder*
Ahh don’t worry about that letter. Just mail it. I’ll let you know when you look like a complete fool.
Thanks, friend.
i have never seen a real inch worm before!
No way! They are so great!
Were you at Sidetracks the other night? I thought I saw you and I was gonna say hi but you were at a table full of people so I didn’t want to interrupt.
omg i was!!!!!!! you should have said hi!!!!!!
Vera baby and inchworms! My cute quota has been filled for the day.
You forgot about our ambitious Mr. Spider… No cute props for him?
Spiders can’t compete with Vera. The inchworm came in second.
I *heart* your garden!
There’s something that’s just so SATISFYING about working with the earth and knowing that little plants will spring up out of that dark goodness.
We got a shipment of flowers on Friday and spent most of Saturday planting them with the in-laws. I may not have much of a garden this year, but I will have flowers! And Jake inspected the old rose bushes that were left by the previous owners– we’ve got millions of buds, so I’m excited about roses!
I’m so happy it’s spring. 🙂
Thanks! Oh man, I know!!! It really gives me so much peace, and excitement at the same time.
That’s awesome! Was it you who’s camera was broken? If so, I hope it gets fixed soon so we can see more current house photos. Oh roses!
It is my camera that’s broken… something in the battery-sensing electrodes doesn’t work, so even if I put in brand-new batteries I can’t take pictures.
We’re in the market for an upgraded camera anyway, so we’ll just have to do some researching sooner rather than later.
Can’t wait for roses!
I truly admire your abilities! You are one cool mama.
I think it’s very important to have time to yourself, or time not doing what you normally do. It helps keep me sane, at least. And, you guys have a really cute baby.
Loved lunch today, so much fun! Very-Pie is SO Adorable, she has so much personality showing through! I need to see more of her.
As for going out without baby, I think its a MUST for stay at home mom’s especially to do once a week. It’s good for mom, baby, and daddy. More daddy-vera bonding time and time for you to be away and then come home and be so thankful for your girly. 🙂
Aww. Vera is so smiley and cute!
I’m glad to hear you’re getting out and having some time for yourself. I think it’s important.
Hope things work out with the letter. I always find that writing down feelings etc and putting them out there is very cathartic.. it’s one of the main reasons I keep my journal.
Hey nice to see you! Yes, I agree about writing things out. I felt really strange about starting up an LJ, but then when I got going it felt natural. I hope everything gets settled on your end soon and you and Ste can relax!
The inch worm is super cute, and that last picture is just priceless. She looks like a little doll.