Author: Gracie

Today is my spring break

Today I had this strange feeling… I woke up on time and then decided that I didn’t have to go to my first class. I went back to sleep. I woke up to Jeff coming back home from school. He said he just didn’t want to go to his...



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Happy now?… Continue Reading...


I get a break next week!

But all that means is I get to work more… boo. Anyhow, I’ve had a nice day. I learned about many things, and I feel that school is really starting to become something I want to do for me- not just for the outcome but for the learning process.

I’m tired

This was a fun but somewhat tiring weekend. Good though, for sure.

Feb. 16th:

Feb. 17th:

My dad called me because he...

’bout to go…

Katy’s in town for a few days from Nashville, and I went out with the girls last night. It was great. Sometimes I forget what thoughtful and unique women I have surrounding me. I’m always surrounded by BOYS. Lots of BOYS. Don’t get me wrong, I love me some...

It’s that day again

 said it best. “Happy Singles Awareness Day!”
HaHa. Jeff and I don’t really do anything for V-day, I don’t want a bunch of stupid crap and I’m sure he doesn’t want to buy...

I was… fine.

I feel so happy right now. I just need to keep telling myself that I HAVE to do it. I have to get up there, every time. I can’t be afraid of my life. I have to just get up and do it. And I really was ok. Not...

Good news

I got another letter from the meany heads saying that I had to pay. So I call. Then the man says “Oh is this Grace?” haha. So I verified it was me and he said he’s sorry about the letter, it was generated and sent out by the “system”...


Mmmkay, so I boycott Walmart, but I am actually gonna give them props for this thing they are doing to reduce energy consumption. They are going to push compact fluorescents so that the incandescent bulb is fazed out. Can you believe it? That’s all that J and I use...

Please sir, may I have some… more?
Go there. It’s good. My lil sis showed it to me today- some comedian I had never seen, but he’s really different and I like it.
Went to see Oliver! tonight. Very fun. Was good.
That’s all I gots, I gots no more.… Continue Reading...
