Author: Gracie

Follow your instincts and you might get cake!

Today is the first day of my second trimester. I hear this one is the best, so I better enjoy myself! I am noticing a difference even in my mood. Yesterday a bunch of people were hanging around the house, and while a few weeks ago I would’ve felt...

I love rain!

Lately it’s been sooo HOT that it’s hard to not be a total grump and not want to do anything. This morning I woke up to the sound of heavy rain on my roof, and I was so happy. I got up early (about 3 hours earlier than Jeff...

Silly dreams

I had a dream last night that I couldn’t find my toothbrush anywhere. I searched EVERYWHERE. I even started getting annoyed with Jeff for messing with all the bathroom stuff. It was in my hand. This kind of thing happens in real life all the time, but dreaming too?...

A dose of humility can go a long way.

I had a couple of moments today where I felt either peaceful and totally ok with who I am, or… well… slightly uncomfortable and embarrassed. Actually, these moments have been kind of interwoven, as if to balance each other out so I don’t feel too happy or humiliated. Anyway,...

I got this a few days ago…

It’s from my aunt Lindsay, my dad’s sister.

Sweet Grace and Jeff,
On Tuesdays, every other Tuesday to be exact, I go to the nearby Karmanos Cancer Treatment Center early in the morning. I spend three hours there getting an IV...

I say tomato, you say tomato…

It’s a groundhog, or a woodchuck, or a whistlepig (i’d never heard that one), or a land beaver…. I suppose gophers are different (sorry Marya).

I shall illustrate for you:

Things have been different lately

but I guess that’s what happens when your life gets thrown in a bottle and shaken around like salad dressing…

I’m slowly regaining my energy, am less pukey, and I’m generally starting to feel more like myself. I’m 12 weeks this Thursday, which means in two weeks I’ll be starting...

I be tired…

This week was the Ann Arbor Art Fair, so Jeff and I had to get up at 4am so he could get downtown at 5. I suppose I didn’t have to come with him, but I’d rather be at work really early than wade through art fair traffic...


I went to the doctor today, and I saw my little human sprout! It was amazing, and definitely made it more real for me. We saw it’s little heart fluttering in it’s chest, and heard the heartbeat. The most amazing part was how active the little guy was. Baby...

I don’t know about you guys…

but I believe in lots of things that I can’t see. I believe in energy, love, faith, spirit, god, heck… even dragons (jeff told me about them, it’s wild)! Sometimes though, I find it hard to believe in things that I feel that I should see but don’t. It’s...