The blanket truth.
I’m learning that many people get caught up in an image of themselves. Trying to define who they are, how they appear to others, their usefulness and purpose, etc. Then they start remembering times in their life when things were different, they were different. They start to scramble and try to figure out who is the real version of themselves. They miss when they were younger, or felt differently, or had different things. They look around and say "I’m not like that person…" or "I’d love to be more like that person there…" and start trying to measure and weigh themselves against the world, as if they are a separate being.
I’m learning that we are all recycled from the universe. Our bodies are recycled earth and water. Our breath is recycled air. Our thoughts are recycled energy and experiences. Even our personalities are recycled relationships and thoughts. We cannot exist as only ourselves. It’s all an illusion. A shared and important illusion. I do believe that we are ourselves in an important way and have that power for a reason. It’s hard to explain really. It’s just that it’s only one aspect of the truth- our individuality. Something that I was thinking is contributing to great suffering in the world today is the idea that we are separate, and even worse, that we want to be. Deepak Chopra says that once we realize that we are part of everything else that love and compassion will just spontaneously rise up in us, because there will be no other reality. I love that idea. I think at our core we know that we are connected to everything.
I remember when I was pregnant I had this image of people spilling out of each other in a long line. It was this seamless and beautiful feeling- life just pouring this way and that, a body coming from another body and for a moment I was able to see just the miracle in it all. I mean, I know how it works, but isn’t that miraculous? We are most certainly all one, and yet ourselves at the same time. Universe = one song. I’m feeling really existential right now and I’m listening to lots of Bob Dylan…
Anyway, watch this video. And if you haven’t seen the whole movie (I Heart Huckabees), you’ve gotta, it’s one of my favorites.
Quote of the day:
"Everything is the same, even if it’s different." -Albert Markovski
Latest posts by Gracie (see all)
- The Severe Gift - March 4, 2025
- On Grace - January 27, 2025
- Let the world be fed - October 21, 2024
I love that concept of ourselves as part of something much larger and endlessly regenerating. It’s something that’s helped me find a lot of meaning and sense in my life since I’ve lapsed from more tradtional religious beliefs.
What era Dylan are you listening too? He always makes me feel very existential too 🙂
Isn’t it a beautiful idea? I’m almost positive that it’s true, and that’s kind of fun… I’d be interested in hearing more about your thoughts if you ever wanted to post on it. 🙂
60’s. I love 60’s Dylan. But I also love 70s too. The basement tapes are great. Now I’ve got to put him on… Any new music recommendations?
I love 60s/70s Dylan – Blood on the Tracks is my favourite of his albums. I also love his really recent stuff though – Time Out of Mind and Modern Times have some fantastic lyrics on his own increasing awareness of his mortality.
If you’re a Dylan fan I think you’d enjoy Bright Eyes’ stuff. I’m Wide Awake it’s Morning particularly recommended. In a similar vein I’ve also been listening to a lot of Leonard Cohen and to John Martyn’s Solid Air album. Incredible!
It’s definitly something I intend to wirte about at some point, plus I want to link in my recent experience of trying out a Quaker meeting 🙂
I’m glad we’re friends. I think you and I have a lot in common. I’ll definitely check out the music- I’m vaguely familiar with Bright Eyes and Cohen, but not enough.
As for the Quaker meeting- I am really really really interested in your thoughts. I recently went to a Unitarian Universalist service and really liked it. I don’t know much about the Quakers, but my sister (lilpeace) is really interested in it all and has spoke to me about it a little- I think she plans on going to a meeting someday soon. Aren’t you two friends? She’d probably really appreciate a post on that subject. I’m also reading a book about John Woolman (a Quaker abolitionist) and he’s rocking my socks. Definitely post about it all!!
What a nice thing to say! I’m really glad we’re friends too. I really relate to some of the things you say and feel like we find a lot of common ground. Pity we’re so far apart geographically 🙂
I’ve been interested in trying a Unitarian meeting too so I’d be really interestede in hearing about your experience. I’ll definitely post about the Quaker meeting. That book sounds fascinating!!
you shold know this post had a huge impact on me, thanks 🙂 dont have time to say much now
Oh good! I hope that you do have time soon, I’d love to hear your thoughts… Oh sometimes i wish I could just walk to your house and have coffee.
Thank you lady.
Honestly, I needed this.
Yay! How are you? Where are you living these days?
I’ve been doing the vagabond thing again, but I had to come back to Ypsi recently. My life kind of got the reset button, and now I have to figure myself out again, but I think its probably healthy. My phone broke last year, so I don’t have your number anymore.
How have you been?
I’ve been really good! We got a house and are busy fixing up little things left and right. I’m just starting to plan my garden, which will be a really big project this year. If you’re around I’d love to see you- we could go for a walk. We’re closer to your parent’s now, by a few blocks, right on the corner of Forest and Hemphill. Anyway, I’ll message you my number. I need yours too. 🙂