Happy Birthday Eli!
First order of business- a warm and hearty welcome to a new baby boy born to my buddies Lindsay and Isiah. He couldn’t have chosen a better family, he’ll have loads of fun. I hear he was a whopping 9 pounds. He meant business in there. Anyway, I’m excited...
So wow.
Today I woke up with that icky, god have I slept until noon feeling, only to find out that it was 9 am. I am officially a grown-up. Nah, just kidding. But it was a relief to know that I had the whole day ahead of me to do...
I love me some friday night
So last night went well. Chris and Ashley came, there were snacks and lots of info and beer. It was nice, and I know it was a hit cuz Chris actually said we should go there again. So that’s how I know. Cuz he’s a curmudgeon.
By the way,...
5 days since i last posted
Not much has changed except… it’s veeewy cold outside!
Right now Jeff’s making dinner. He had a craving for chicken and dumplings. Yay for Jeff’s cravings. He’s feeling a little overwhelmed these days, so I’ve been doing my best to be supportive. It’s been kind of hard to...
I like to singa!
You are the sunshine of my life…
During these cold (unpredictable due to the fact that we are killing the planet) months, if the gray starts gettin ya down, you must think on sunnier things- like cantalope and flowers and nectarines. A little Stevie Wonder is good if you need a quick fix. I also find...
Le Dog rocks my world.
Yet another successful encounter with the soup that will someday save the whole world.
Tonight I’m going to see a free show at the Ark. Ragbirds are playing- it’s a benefit for Food Gatherers, so I just have to collect some canned goods and bring em and then rock...
A flibbertyjibbit
Time to cross the big road.
It’s been reeeeallly busy
Yesterday I went with my sis to see her baby via some sound waves. It was spectacular. I knew what to expect, but seriously, when your attitude is different because you will know and love this baby it feels different. Plus I’m just really excited for her. She’s gonna...