Author: Gracie


It turns out that it wasn’t a scam at all. These are the people I’m dealing with. I spoke with the manager last night, he hung up on me too. It’s sad that it turned out that way really. I’ll fix this somehow.
It affected me a lot,...

Happy February!

Someone tried to SCAM me yesterday. So I had this debt from a cell phone I had a few years ago. I made payments on it, but soon stopped, and there was a balance that remained that I’ve been unable to pay until recently. I sent...

Harold And Maude

Tonight I will have some ice cream of the buttery pecan persuasion.

I’m turning off my stupid cable. It’s turned out (can you believe it?) to be a waste of my time for the most part. I would rather practice playing my banjo or drawing again. I like being able...


It was probably the best show I’ve ever been to. I will go again soon for sure- I think this may become an annual thing. Woodstock is unreal too. I loved it all, and New York state is gorgeous, even in the winter. Jeff and I took a quiet...

Midnight Ramble

I go to NEW YORK! I go to WOODSTOCK, NY! I go see Levon Helm and the Holmes Brothers! YAAAAAY! I’m so excited. It’s such an honor to be able to go and see this show! We’re going with Doug, Harlowe and Rose, so it should be entertaining...

Experimentation is healthy, and tasty too!

I took a risk and decided to make up a recipe… for a baked thing! I usually don’t get all that creative with baking (especially sweets) because it scares me a bit. Heat is added, and magic happens, and I just like to trust others on it- aside from...

Oh la dee da

Everything is very good. Very good indeed. I really like most everything.

Had a fun night last night with Chris. It was our 1 year friendship re-uniting celebration. You see, we used to be really good friends when we were kids, then we lost touch for about 11 years… then...

Temporarily defeated

Today the trees were made of glass. Mesmerizing. Yesterday everything was coated in ice, so Chris and I walked around taking pictures of it all. It was great cold fun. Today though, the sun was out. It was as if all the hidden beauty that every tree secretly possessed...

How I love my Saturdays…

Yesterday was a big day!
It was my amazing and beautiful partner’s birthday. He’s 24! The highest number for those of you Mr.Show fans. Happy Birthday to my bestest bud.

It was also the day that...


I’m dying to know how you all celebrated! Oh yes, and the slimy mess turned out to be fabulous! It only further ignited my passion for this fascinating thing. It just looked kind of drippy and sticky...