Ever since I hit puberty I’ve had these little indentations on my skin, right at the base of my spine. I used to run my fingers over them, unsure of what they were, intrigued by the texture of my skin there. I remember being on the beach and a boyfriend...
Today I felt down. My energy was lacking, almost right from the start. I lost my motivation, and a lot of the work I like to do just seemed overwhelming and I could only see it piling up again. Not to mention a needy and teething baby (those last ones before her...
What makes me happy lately:
Well, my baby of course.
She’s been very expressive lately- in a way that makes me squirm with joy when she’s smart, laugh until I almost can’t breathe when she’s silly, gets my attention when she’s angry, and so on. In some ways I feel I’m...
Out with it!
purge: [purj] verb, purged, purg⋅ing, noun
1. to rid of whatever is impure or undesirable; cleanse; purify.
Today and yesterday I’ve been purging. All these extra things that have been collected, whether gifted or my own accumulation- all these things need to GO. When we moved I...
Garden in early June.
I am still sore! The other day Jeff and I just went to work all day on the garden, then later I took a long walk with my sister and the babies. I ended up falling asleep on the couch about 20 minutes into our movie. It’s how my...
On my first experience as a doula.
I came out of the hospital just as the sun was setting. I spent just over 12 hours with my first doula client. A healthy baby girl was born at 3:30 that afternoon. Walking towards my car was a little surreal, all things familiar coming back into focus, the...
We love you Walter!
Walter died. He was such a good rat. We had suspicions that it was coming- he started leaning to one side and acting a little funny about a month ago, but we watched him for a while and he didn’t seem in pain, so we thought he’d possibly had...
Spring and stuff!
Mother’s Day was so full of love. I still have to pinch myself and remember that "Oh yeah! I’m included in this holiday!" What can I say? I’m a newbie. Oh, and was I included. My dear, dear husband rushed around setting up my art/crafting area upstairs (that I’d been increasingly more...
Thoughts on food. Part 1.
This is in response to an LJ friend who is vegan for ethical reasons. I wrote a novel of a response to her, and I thought I’d copy it here, as part one of my "thoughts on food" series. Here goes, let me know your thoughts. I’d also like to say...
Feel free to listen, feel free to stare…
Lately I’ve been wanting to write much more than I actually have been writing. Sometimes it’s hard to get started. Since little John stopped coming, I have been filling the space with a variety of things. I thought I would be searching for something to do, but in reality everything...