Author: Gracie

Happy Spring!

These days lately have been packed to the brim. I’m generally tired and over-caffeinated and in love with life. I’m squeezing in moments of writing here and there, but forgive me if I’m not around so much in the coming weeks. Babysitting all day, then sowing hundreds of seeds...

WFP: On a Wednesday! Hooray!

On Sunday for family dinner we had one of my all-time favorite foods. Oh my, this meal is so good. Everyone in my family, even the pickiest of members, loves this meal. Good, old fashioned, beef tongue with noodles. Yep, it’s downright delicious. This is one of those traditional...

Place to be

I have much to do today, but I decided that I wanted to take some time to write and reflect. I feel a heaviness on my heart, with all that’s going on in the world. This is serious stuff. It’s not just what’s...

Gratitude Friday

I’m grateful for my sweet children, who already love each other dearly.

They seem to have their own connection- she’s rough and loud and I’ll think it’s too much for him, but it almost never is. He laughs and laughs and...

Ah, I’ll just call it a “Thursday Food Post”…

Perhaps in order to successfully execute a "Wednesday Food Post" every week, I’ll just have to pretend that I’m supposed to post it by Tuesday… yes, that’ll work!

I was thinking about matters of taste. Let’s take little Max, for example…

I had just chopped an onion so strong that...

A perpetual astonishment…


I’m feeling spring in the air, despite the cold frosty appearance of things. There’s just something that shifts in me… maybe it’s the longer days, the more frequent appearance of the sun, the slight thaw each day that lifts the smell...

Food and gratitude!

No food post on Wednesday, but I wanted to do this update anyway- sort of a combination of food and gratitude. Always a good idea to combine those two, in my opinion.

Here’s a peek at our little homestead last summer via Google Maps. Cool, eh? Anyway, This year...

Don’t postpone joy.

This past weekend marked the end of my sister and her kids’ stay with us. Two months, just like that. We moved them into their new space on Sunday. The kids and I went over there this afternoon to help them get a little more settled. Just like Jeff...

WFP: Sweet dreaming…

The garden. I’m ready. I’m so, so ready. I’d love to say that I’m one of those Michiganders who doesn’t sink into a hole at the end of February, but I can’t. I’m not as bad as some- I still push myself to get out into it, and I...