Tag: mama thoughts

Vera is five.

Okay, I know I said I'd write everyday, but who am I kidding? How about just more. More is good. The past couple of days have been fantastic, all told. I needed it, too. I needed a dose of fantastic. But I'll save that for tomorrow and keep this...

It’s all a gift.

One of the entries that disappeared on me over the past couple of weeks was Asa’s birthday post. I was so sad to have it vanish like that! So, I realize that we’re a good 3 weeks later, but it’s really never too late to celebrate one little boy’s...

It’s Thursday? Yes. Thursday.

Today my sweet sister came and took Vera out to a play group at the botanical gardens with Tuula. Then they’re going to this "sonic lunch" event downtown where local bands come and play for free. Vera was so excited to dance with her cousin. I packed her a...

The universe strikes again!

So my broom… it broke. A couple of weeks ago, the long handle just broke in half leaving me with a broom that stood not quite to my waist. I don’t know how it happened, but it did. I didn’t think it would be much of a problem, but...

My days have been full and happy. Something is telling me to slow down a bit so that my brain can work again, but I’m not sure if it’s possible. This may be that "pregnancy brain" everyone talks about, but lately it’s hard for me to organize my head-space-...

I like Sundays!

Jeff and I went to bed irritated at each other last night (it’s never really a "fight" anymore, just communication glitches it seems). In the early early dark morning, I got up to pee and when I climbed back in bed he held me close we said we were...


Ever since I hit puberty I’ve had these little indentations on my skin, right at the base of my spine. I used to run my fingers over them, unsure of what they were, intrigued by the texture of my skin there. I remember being on the beach and a boyfriend...