It bursts with every bite!

Jan 13th:

Jan 14th:

Jan 15th:
If there’s anything I’ve been wanting lately it’s FRUIT. Not just any fruit, but juicy and preferably citrus fruit. Grapefruit in particular. I think this may be my first craving throughout this entire thing. I hate it too because it’s so NOT local or sustainable for me to be having lots of citrus this time of year, or any time of year really. But yum. Oh yum. So odd, I haven’t wanted anything special really, and I attributed that to a very balanced and conscientious diet, but perhaps the winter has gotten to me and so I’m craving freshness.

Jan 16th:
My new books! On the bottom is the very exciting and long-awaited Vegetable Gardener’s Bible. It is everything I thought it would be and more. I think this book mostly excites me because it’s all of the research I tried to do in the past two years of gardening, but haven’t been able to comprehensively apply it. Basically it’s everything I need in one place. What each veggie needs, what to plant nearby, what pests/disease might affect it and how to naturally combat it, etc. I’m so excited to start planning for spring.
The next is a book I know very little about, but was a gift from my sister today. It’s apparently going to help save the world, so I’m looking forward to it. She’s so excited by this author that she is tempted to only give his books as presents from now on. She has excellent taste, and I’m certainly overdue for a little world-saving inspiration.
The last book is one that the lovely

 gave to me when she was briefly in town last week. It’s all about green ways to clean your home. I have always wanted to do more research in this area, but haven’t really gotten past the fact that baking soda really does everything. This is sure to enlighten me further. What’s really cool about it though, aside from being filled with love, is that it’s waterproof. I’m tempted to drop it in the sink just to test it. It seems just like a normal book.

I’m such a granola-head.

I’m seeing my midwife once a week now. I’m in the home stretch. Only four more weeks until due date, and only a week until I’m considered “full term”, which to my understanding just means that I can safely give birth now and my baby won’t be premature. This is so WILD. At work they keep talking about making bets about whether or not it’s a boy or girl, but what’s funny is that everyone there thinks it’s a boy. So basically everyone wins or no one at all. At this point I think it would be hilarious if baby is a girl. So far the only guess for girl goes to my brother. That’s IT. I still have no clue, and I’ve had dreams about both genders. I think it’ll be so fun to hear “It’s a ___!” when it does happen.
I’m measuring right on, and I’m not tired of being pregnant yet, although people all seem to be expecting me to get sick of it any second. I’m determined to take my time and enjoy these last few weeks. I will only have them once.

Random note- I think it’s unhealthy to constantly think about buying things. My coworkers tend to talk about this incessantly. It’s only recently become irritating to me, but man is it something else. Everyday it’s just clothes and shoes and stuff stuff stuff. Also diets and blahbetty blah. Perhaps I am secretly threatened by them. Maybe I’m jealous that I can only afford to go to the thriftiest of thrift stores twice a year to get new clothes, but from what I can tell I’m damn grateful to not feel the need to… well, need everything all the time. I’m not saying that wanting to look nice or have new things is a bad inclination. I guess I just think that it gets to the point where it’s like you can’t stop thinking of what you don’t have. I can’t be a participant. I got this great embroidered piece of art this year for Christmas (it’s hanging next to the butterfly clock) that says “Contentment is not the fulfillment of what you want but the realization of how much you already have.” I think that this is the way to be.

Oh, I just found out I might have jury duty. How bizarre. I sort of don’t feel equipped to wield the hand of justice.

I think it might be grapefruit time.


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