Things so far…

I thought I would update you all on my life progress since the wedding. Not much has changed really, at least not obviously. I think that most of what has changed is my outlook on things. I don’t fear being alone, which is a welcome feeling. Other than that, I am looking for ways to improve upon myself. I don’t know why I feel that way, I just have been struck like lightning with it.
I’m reading a good book right now, but I have a habit of starting a few books and never thoroughly reading any of them. So, as part of my self-improvement, I have dedicated myself to finishing this one, and only this one.
I just finished my yoga class. It was too short. I will take another (hopefully with the same instructor) soon. It’s just so damn… I dunno… centering. Well, cliche as it may be, I’m a convert. Yoga is fun and good for you!
My sister left for Mexico on Saturday to be with her fiance. She’ll hopefully be back with him for Christmas. I miss her, but hey, that’s the way it goes. She has really become one of my favorite people ever. I just hope that she is happy and solid in her new family as well as her old one.
Thing I’m most troubled about recently: Congress voted to lower organic standards. This is a huge bummer for me considering that buying local and organic foods contributes in a large part to my happiness as a human being. Sound bizarre? Well, it’s really just a small way that I can help lower my impact on the earth, in addition to being a way of expressing my gratitude. It also is oh-so-yummy and good for you! But now, it’s gonna be tricky. I also just feel like the world is becoming painfully corrupt and grinding to a halt. If anyone’s interested:
Other than that, life is grand. The weather is perfect lately. Yay.
Ta ta for now.
Quote for the day: “Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight. ” -Benjamin Franklin


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