Patting meeeself on the back… lightly

So today is my… wait for it… drumroll…. 4 MONTH ANNIVERSARY OF SMOKE-FREE LUNGAGE! WOOOHOO!
I must not rest on my laurels! I must maintain an attitude of gratitude! This addiction is a lurking prowler, waiting for the kill at every corner… BUT WILL I SURRENDER!?!? NEVEEEEEEEEERRRRRR!

So ya. If I could take before and after pictures of my lungs I would. Er, that’s a lie. However, I would and will take before and after pictures of the rocker that I will soon transform! Jeff picked up this hideous glider rocker off the side of the road in Nashville and has since fixed it up, replaced the dowels, and made big ol cracks in the wood disappear! Isn’t he amazing?
So I’m gonna sand and paint it cuz right now it has sort of a hot orange color going. Yikes. Anyway, I let J pick the color and he came back with a forest green. We’ll see, but I bet it will come out fine 🙂 I’m actually slightly irritated at the boy, but that kind of thing happens and should never interfere with rocking chair projects.

Do you ever get the feeling that you will just never understand it all?

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