Nurturing the creative spirit

I'm sitting in my living room right now with a few beautiful and creative women during our very first cold-weather inspired craft night. We're going to gather in this space twice a month to pull out projects and coax out that creative energy that so often lies dormant when we're in the middle of this crazy life. For me, life with young kids and the work of growing food and feeding people and all the other things we do… well, it seems to take all the creative energy I've got. By the end of the day, I'm content to rest.

(Obligatory pretty picture, this time the breathtaking corn that we grew this year… so many colors!!! We're in love.)

But as fulfilling as my life is these days, I still ache to do some of the things I used to do. I used to make music, draw into the late hours of the night, sew and repurpose old fabric, make stencils… I played and observed and had some time. I miss that. I used to be so critical of Christmastime and all that stuff, but in the past few years I've felt grateful for it. It launched me back into creating in a frenzied but much needed way. People need to play and create. Yes they do.

Tonight there has been cutting of felt, crocheting, eating of popcorn, and vibrant conversation. I decided to write a little here, and make a little list of projects I'd like to do. Good enough, better than usual. I hope to share here about our crafty happenings as they come. <3


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