My nose is dancing

It smells so good in my house lately. Last night I had Jeff’s parents over to celebrate his dad’s birthday. He requested meatloaf, brussel sprouts, mashed potatoes, and hot fudge pudding cake. All of it was pretty standard except I decided to make “birthday meatloaf” and I did a third part sausage and I stuffed it with spinach and mozzarella. Now today is my brother’s going away party and I’ve made a bunch of butterscotch bars and roasted eggplant pepper spread. The butterscotch bars are my grandma’s recipe, but the eggplant spread I’m just winging. So basically it smells like sweet baked goods and roasted peppers in here… mmmm.

So yeah, my brother is leaving for Austin in 5 days. I love him. I’ll miss him. I’ll probably write more about him in the next couple of days.

I have been super duper busy this week. It’s been great. It really helps me to not feel overwhelmed when I just accept that my life is busy now. Things fill up very quickly, I rarely have time to really hang out by myself without there being some kind of work involved, but I really love it. If I allow myself to sink into it when I start to feel flustered, I remember that I am surrounded by people that I love. I remember that I’m working for my precious baby, who changed so quickly that I won’t regret not having more time to pay attention to that movie or finish reading that chapter.

Anyway. I do kinda miss being able to just finish a journal entry. I’ve gotta get going now so I have to finish this later…

Ok, back from the party.

April 8th:

April 9th:

April 10th:

April 11th:
Gretchen and I visited with

 and her adorable baby Gracie (good name, eh?).

April 12th:
This is raw bee pollen that I got from the family farms cooperative I belong to. It’s supposed to be like this crazy superfood. I actually really like it. It’s great in yogurt.

April 13th:
My brother Ben.

The party today was really nice. I’m exhausted, and I feel like I may not want to eat for a couple of days, but we had a good time. I feel like I have so much to say about him, so it’ll have to wait for another day.

On our way home tonight Jeff and I wanted to drive by his old house. He lived there with a bunch of guys when we started dating and we both have such great memories there. The house has been torn down and whoever bought the property is putting up apartments. It’ll be sad to see all that great land in the middle of the city just turn into more city. We just wanted to get a last look. Anyway, I started talking about how great it was there, and how he was my boyfriend… then I thought about how cute it was that we were boyfriend and girlfriend, and I was laughing about it because that phase was so fun. Then Jeff looked at me and he said “Yeah, but you were always my wife.”
I almost cried. How did I become so blessed? How did I find my partner for life in the midst of this crazy storm? I am amazed daily.

Bonus pictures:

I took this one while Jeff and Vera were napping today at the party (in the quiet room). I thought they looked so peaceful and warm in the sun.

After her bath this morning.

Quote of the day:
“Perhaps the feelings we experience when we are in love represent a normal state. Being in love shows a person who he should be.” -Anton Chekhov


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