Lots of stuff, to make up for the last 10 days

Posting. Here I am, making a post. Doing it. Who knows if it will actually make it’s way out there… we shall see. I hear kids fighting… 

Okay. Wow. That was an epic little girl meltdown. You see? I get this far into a blog post and then just kind of give up. But, I will not give up! I am likely going to have to work on these posts a little at a time, possibly saved in a document or something. Because seriously, my life just does not let up. The only real time I have to sit and write in peace is at like 10:30 at night, and by then I just want to sit and snuggle with my baby and watch The Cosby Show (which I have recently come to completely love. It just seems to scratch an itch I have…). Either that or Jeff and I are up late talking, which is often our only time to just sit and chat uninterrupted. During one of those late chats we had, we realized that our time is completely stocked full. We don’t have a full day off together, and there always seems to be a slew of obligations in the little spaces that are left. High-class problems, I’m aware. I am happy, I am feeling the fullness of life. I am also feeling a little stressed, a little worn thin. But I don’t want to sacrifice things like this, so I’m working to figure out how to fit these things in. Writing here is good for me. Jeff and I are working out a plan for a "staycation"- where we still go to work, but just have no other obligations and may even unplug our phones…

Other new developments… Oh! My little sister is coming to live with us next month, and will be staying through the summer. I’m looking forward to it. She’s so great, and easy going, and will be helpful around the house and with the kids. I’m learning that this house was just meant for the sharing. It was such a big gift from the universe anyway, it wouldn’t be right not to share it. πŸ™‚
My brother came into town for a surprise visit, and we were talking in the living room for a while and then started wondering what happened to Jeff. We found him like this, fast asleep on the floor of Vera’s bedroom. I love that man so much. 


Evidence of play.

After my dad broke his knee, his leather bag became too heavy and awkward to manage with crutches. He commisioned me to make him something simple and lightweight, with just enough room for a folder, and with a pocket for his keys and phone. It’s not like I really have time to craft these days, so I jumped at the opportunity to put something together for him.
He asked that it not be too "girly". I must admit I was tempted to put some lace on the inside or something, just because of that comment… you know, for that feminine touch. Instead I went with navy and olive. I used these old maternity pants, and an old belt for the D rings.



I learned this great technique for making the bottom of the bag. I will definitely be doing this again.

Finished bag.

I didn’t use a pattern, just grabbed some old pants and fabric and went for it. Anyway, I like this kind of crafting. I wondered why I never really could get into knitting. I think it’s a lot like how I feel about cooking vs. baking. Baking requires such precise measurements, and until you’re really proficient, you can’t do much in the way of improvisation. Cooking, on the other hand, is much more open to interpretation. You can add a little of this, a little of that… you very rarely are stuck with anything. Well, I like sewing for the same reason. You get to take a bunch of stuff you have on hand, add a little creative energy, and you’ve made something new. It’s just a matter of taste. I can totally get behind the zen of the more precise and step by step activities. I could benefit from disciplining myself to do them more (I WILL master the art of the homemade loaf of sourdough bread…). Anyway, I like sewing, and I was glad that I was able to give those old pants new life and help my dad out at the same time. 
My babes. Swoon. Such beautiful people in my life.

Yesterday we celebrated Tuula’s birthday. We were afraid of rain, which is why it was moved from my parent’s back yard to the big barn at the farm (the one that my dad and I work for). Turned out it was not going to rain. It was going to be 80 degrees and perfect. It was really the perfect setting for this party. My sister set up crafts- decorating cupcakes and painting flower pots. She also had a local kids musician come to play. It was very sweet.


It was nice that the party was there, because I was working through the morning and so all I had to do was walk down to the barn. I’ve been busy over there. It was a perfect day yesterday, so I made sure to take some pictures to put up on the new blog I’m making for the project. I’ll link to it soon, so you all can get a better idea about what exactly I’m doing over there.

Biscuit, the miniature pony.


First planting (outdoor, at least) happened yesterday. Trellises put up, peas planted. We’ve got our first big volunteer day coming up in a couple of weeks. I’m excited and a little nervous about how it’s all going to go down. Adventure!
Really though, as big and strange a project as this all is, it’s truly a pleasure to be doing this job. First, it’s doing exactly the thing I love to do, and I got to take that class (which was just great), and I’m learning by the bucket fulls. What a privilege. Plus, it’s just beautiful out there, and I have the opportunity to help beautify it even more. Pretty great, if you ask me.
Hundreds and hundreds of seedlings…

And on a much smaller scale, the same thing is happening at home.
Garlic! So happy to see garlic poking through that straw.
All the signs of new life and refreshed energy. So good.
I’ll be back here on Wednesday for a "WFP", I promise. And look at that! I finished a post!

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