Kids and chickens.

Just thought I’d do a quick update before our totally packed weekend. Tomorrow we’re getting chickens, putting up trellises, and hopefully laying down mulch… Then Jeff’s off to a wedding and I’m out with friends- or maybe I’ll just collapse and read for the rest of the night (it’s supposed to be 90 degrees and humid, I’ll probably be whooped). Then we’ve got a day full of Father’s day stuff to go to on Sunday, on both sides of the family- to the lake and then barbecuing later. Should be really nice. 

Vera has been exceptionally delightful and challenging lately. She’s testing her boundaries and being silly in a whole new way and… I can just tell she’s learning new things every day. It’s so fun. I can also tell that she knows things are changing. I have had to make a point lately to give her more attention- so we’ve been reading a lot, snuggling and nursing a lot, and she’s been requesting nightly mama back rubs (she used to just go down on her own with a story from Jeff). I’m okay with this though. She’s only going to be my only for a month more. Then there’s some big change. That’s okay. Change is a part of life. I just want to be sure that she knows I’m here and I’m solid. Anyway, this is her in her "boat". I’m loving her imagination.

At the strawberry farm.

Drippy strawberry bliss.

At the beach. The beach was SO nice and refreshing. I think I’m going to make it a weekly trip before baby- I bought a season pass. After baby, we’ve figured out how to get by without Jeff working for a month, so we’ll have loads of family time. I’m thinking many beach trips where I can read in the shade with baby and watch Vera and Jeff splash around… it’ll be so nice.

My girl. She got my fair skin…

And sweet Tuula- hasn’t she gotten big!? She’s such a little girl now. So saucy, too.

Delicious Max. He loved the water and definitely got a mouthful of gritty sand. Yum. I wish I got a picture of his toothy grin. He’s so amazingly cute these days!

Oh! And here’s our chicken set up- almost finished. That thing to the right with the pallets is our big compost- we have so much yard waste at the end of the season we couldn’t possibly fit it all in our regular composter.

The coop. We have to attach the little door and make a little ramp for them.

Nesting boxes. We’ve still got to prep the coop with some straw and make it cozy… So exciting! Chickens tomorrow!

I’ll be back with a fresh update on Monday- chickens and all!


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