Flowers and strange eggs
As an addition to last time- Jeff took the next 3 nights off of everything just to hang out and help, etc. It made a world of difference, in my mind. I am feeling very supported and peaceful. However, I do feel like that last post really sums up how I feel a lot of the time. It’s really about how it’s important for me to accept some things, to ask for help when I need it, to ask for help even when I don’t think I need it, and to try my darndest not to harbor any resentment. It’s just about being really really painfully honest with myself, or trying to, even if that means recognizing my own tendency towards bitterness and self-pity. Oh yeah… growth.
Speaking of growth, I’ve had a heap of perfectly lovely days. The garden is shaping back up after a few scorching (and neglected) days that made everything look just a little pathetic. Now I’m starting to get excited all over again with the first harvests of the season (of something other than salads, delicious as they are). Now I’m on to planning my fall crops, and it’s shaping up to be a much more organized season. We’ll see if it’s any more productive. Last year we were total newbies and planted something like 20 tomato plants in one raised bed. I have no idea why we did this. I have a passionate love for tomatoes, but that was just crazy. It became this little sweet smelling jungle in the middle of our yard. We lost a lot of tomatoes because they sat on the ground for too long or we just couldn’t see them. This year we have a mere four in one bed, and a couple of the volunteer plants are hangin out in pots off of the back patio. I feared it wouldn’t be enough tomatoes for me… I must have them! However, these four plants are large and well established, with plenty of green fruit just waiting to change color. It’s an exciting time of year. Today I’ve got lots of mason jars to run through the dishwasher in preparation…
July 21st:
I often find her in this position, whether it be on the floor or in her bed or wherever. I say, this is probably the most delicious her toes are ever gonna be, so live it up.
Vera and I made our weekly trip up to farmer’s market, and some nice guys in a booth gave her a flower. Who can blame them, really?

July 23rd:
This was the day we went to the beach. My mom and Vera were admiring these flowers, and since my camera was being a dud, I took this photo with theirs. Oh, how I would love to get a better camera.
July 24th:
This was the day that I was feeling overwhelmed and wrote that last post. Jeff came home from class with these wild roses for me. I feel really happy that I was able to have faith that the universe would deliver- rest, support, a few roses- what else could a girl ask for? It’s a good life.
July 25th:
Ok, I owe a debt of gratitude to these geraniums. This may be like the tenth time they’ve bloomed this year, literally. They were a little burst of sunshine in the oh-so-very-gray-and-gloomy winter with a small baby, all cooped up inside, and they continue to brighten my life through this summer.
July 26th:
Twin egg! Cool, huh?
July 27th:
Back at the beach. Gretchen and I want to go out there at least once a week.
July 28th:
I picked up this little job for a friend of a friend. He’s got a ton of really old collectible stuff that he wants to sell. He doesn’t have a computer and has no desire for one, so he’s asked me to help him get rid of some of this stuff. This is an old Disney character, a little rabbit, that precedes Bugs Bunny I’m told. My preliminary research yielded nada, which I’m choosing to take as a good sign. Anyway, I get 20% of whatever we sell, which I think is a great deal. It’ll be nice to make a little extra moolah and learn about antiques.
July 29th:
We’ve been eating out back every night now that we’ve set up a table there. It’s so nice. I’m gonna make a chandelier of sorts today to hang over the table. It’s shaping up to be a really nice spot out there.
Today I’m planting lots and lots of spinach and chard and maybe some more beans, radishes and beets, and I might do some turnips and carrots too. I’m also listening to lots of girly music- Ani, Patty Griffin, Dar Williams, Tori, Gillian Welch, Deb Talen, Fiona, etc. Some days it really hits the spot to saturate myself in girly goodness and maybe finish it up with a little bluegrass. Mmm-hmm.
Quote of the day (one of my new favorites):
“If we don’t change direction soon, we’ll end up where we’re going.” -Professor Irwin Corey
Latest posts by Gracie (see all)
- The Severe Gift - March 4, 2025
- On Grace - January 27, 2025
- Let the world be fed - October 21, 2024
Love the picture of your mom with Vera in her little yellow hat!
Turnips and carrots, eh? Why not just toss in some parsnips and you’ll have the whole veggie casserole in your back yard? 🙂
Haha, there ya go. Maybe I will! mmmm… casserole. I think I have to make that soon.
Man, every time I scroll down my friends page and see that picture of Vera and her toes, I fall in love with her again. I miss you all!
We miss you too, my love. We’re gonna make that casserole soon for dinner. YUM.
You always have to yummiest sounding food ideas! If you have any suggestions for vegetable/cheese dishes I would love the advice!
Toes are so delicious.
ooh, yes, veggies & cheese! Well what are the rules for your diet exactly? Can you have starchy veggies? Do you eat eggs?
Mmm baby toes.
As little carbs as possible. It’s so sad too, because I love potatoes! It’s pretty much high protein, high fat, very little carbs. (Like 20g a day) Eggs are fine. You’re such a good cook, I need help!
Maybe I will just eat little Vera’s toes…wait wait, not vegetarian. Oh well. 🙂
Ok, I have some ideas! I’ll compile some and send them to ya!
Thanks you so, so much!!!!
that is probably also the most flexible she’ll ever be! so cute!
also, your back yard is adorable! i know i’ve seen it before, but from this angle with the patio and the table and the gardens… it’s just so cute!
Aw thanks! Yeah, it’s shaping up. I really like spending time out there now. If you’re ever in Ann Arbor, you’re welcome to come hang out! 🙂
The first picture seems to say “Mmmm… toes!”
I love how babies are so flexible and bendy. I wish I could put my feet next to my face. Then again, maybe not…
Haha, I totally CAN put my feet by my face. It’s not the most comfortable thing, but I bet you could if you tried. 😉
I love the picture of Vera sucking her toes, soo cute! Does she like that bouncy seat? When my friends baby Quin was about her age he was obsessed with his bouncy chair..and then he out grew out.
Your yard looks amazing! I wish we had a yard so badly. ah well.
I go through woman dominated music phases all the time, you mentioned so many of my favorites i had to share. 😀 Did you know Ani is coming out with a new album soonish?
She loves it. I use it for just setting her down while I get whatever done, but now she’s able to move her legs and bounce herself, and she’ll just squeal and bounce for a long time. It cracks me up. But yeah, she’s getting a little long for it…
I did not know that! I knew that she came out with the one where she redid many of her old songs, but I’ve been really really wanting new songs inspired by motherhood and other goodness… oooh how exciting! Thanks for giving me the heads up!
You’re welcome!
your life is beautiful.
What a nice thing to say! You’re so sweet. I’m glad that we’ll be able to see what each other are up to now.