Morning fights are the worst. They make me feel so icky. I know it will get better, but when you start your day on this note it feels eternal.… Continue Reading...
...Today, my dad has been sober for 35 years. It’s a miracle!
It’s hard to believe that he had already been sober 13 years when I was born.
Way to go Pop!… Continue Reading...
1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the next 3 sentences on your blog along with these instructions.
5.Don’t you dare dig for that “cool” or “intellectual” book in your closet! I know you...
I think I know what this is…
Lately I’ve been thinking/feeling a combination of things, all of which have struck me as profound and in need of further meditation. These things include: death, friendships, birth, education, spirituality, marriage, intimacy, sex, body image, goodbyes, health, humor, hate, violence, money, poverty, prayer, god, etc.
Sure, I’ve contemplated these...
oh my goodness…
I have so much friggin work to do today it’s insane… I’ll update again to tell how many boxes I packed up.
Back to work.… Continue Reading...
Everyone should take a vacation
I feel sooo good after that. I spent 7 days running around and swimming and reading and eating good food and looking at a bazillion stars. I feel so zen it’s ridiculous.
I realized while I was up there that I hadn’t taken more than a couple of days...
I’m goin on vacation tomorrow! I’m gonna read, swim, frolic… See ya’ll in a week!… Continue Reading...
...This is kinda cool
You are a dog
Or maybe you are a mosquito, you certainly can’t be human.
The highest pitched ultrasonic mosquito ringtone that... Day… 12?Anyhoo, it’s been almost 2 weeks since my last puff, and I feel lovely. I think I am really ready this time. Day 5Still doing well with no smoking. I feel better and better about it. I feel even more encouraged when I start coughing- I know that I’m healing already. |