The new year.
I don’t really make new year’s resolutions because I figure that I should make them when I have them, at any time of year. I saw this quote the other day though that I really loved. It represents an ongoing process for me, but I think it really sums...
A whopper…
Last night Jeff and I hunkered down to watch ‘Apocalypto’ – the flick about the Maya civilization. I came away from it thinking it was unspeakably gory (which I don’t really mind if it’s with purpose), and also that the Mayans were straight up savage and very very...
The reason for the season…
Love to everyone, I have lots of pictures and updating to do tomorrow, but today is just too frikkin busy. I’m off to run around until I drop. HOORAAAAAY!… Continue Reading...
Everyone’s family has their interesting characters, yes? My dad’s side of the family is linked to some pretty shady folks. I know that we are somehow related to Aaron Burr. I also know that there was some man with an extended version of my (old) last name who was...
I sat in pee today. It was gross… no, not pleasant like you were thinking. I don’t understand these girls who can’t squat properly. Don’t they understand that they are the reason that people have to squat in the first place? At the very least I would clean up...
Really quick…
Yesterday I received a package in the mail from one Ms. . It is seriously one of the best presents ever, in the whole world, and I will show you now in...
I am generally pretty optimistic and light-hearted. I’m never depressed anymore, and I tend to get through the inevitable mood swing by consciously being grateful and getting a little more sleep than usual. I’ve been fairly emotionally solid throughout my whole pregnancy, too, except for the occasional crankiness and...
I did the most unforgivably cheesy thing I think I may have ever done. My friend is really cheesy and loves it. She...
What do you all think of this theory? I guess I have just found that I used to have some really close guy friends, and we’re still friends, but it’s just not the same anymore since Jeff. It’s especially noticeable with the old friends that I had that are...
A gift!
Embrace your inner cheese-head.
Can we be friends?