Author: Gracie

Heavenly day

I’ve started running again. It’s hard, but I get that old familiar feeling all through my body- it’s a rewarding ache that got me to love it before. My dad and I used to run together. He’d pull me out of my adolescent slump and get me moving. I...

Ah but I can sing this song…

“Do you want to come to dinner with me and some friends? I just thought it would be fun for you… you know, to get out!”

Nice. This is what my friend said to me when she invited me over earlier. I’m surely being oversensitive, but it made me...

finding time…

Man, sometimes it’s hard to post an entry! I’ve been constantly occupied (in a good way, mostly) for the past week straight. I’ve decided that even though I have to walk out the door in a minute, I’m just going to write what I can and come back to...

I’m outta here!

Jeff, baby, and I, are all off to the west side of the state to join the rest of his family in a cabin on the lake. It will be EXACTLY what I need. I can feel the breeze now… We’ll be back on Sunday, and I’ll probably want...

Stop me, won’t you, if you’ve heard this one before…

I never ended up replanting that bed the other day. It was too hot out. By the time evening hit and it was cool enough to go out there all I wanted to do was relax. Anyway, today is shaping up to be lovely, so there’s lots to do....


I’m feeling a little congesty… why do I have the sniffles in August? Other than feeling a little goo-filled, things are going well. Tonight I’m going out with my sister and friend for a baby-free “girl’s night” which, because we are poor, will consist of a light dinner out...

Flowers and strange eggs

As an addition to last time- Jeff took the next 3 nights off of everything just to hang out and help, etc. It made a world of difference, in my mind. I am feeling very supported and peaceful. However, I do feel like that last post really sums up...

…and I will give you rest.

Last night I was so tired, and Jeff had obligation after obligation. I was fast asleep before he came home. Yesterday I felt so helpless when Jeff came home for 20 minutes only to leave again. Sometimes I feel… it’s hard to describe, really. It’s a mix of bitterness...

I’m definitely gonna learn to play banjo,

It’s been a long and good week. So much fun catching up with an old friend. We thought it was funny how incredibly pooped we were at the end of each day- especially because we’d planned to just relax and not overwhelm ourselves with plans. Regular ol’ life can...

I am dying of lust

I’m in love. I found my complete and absolute dream house and I MUST HAVE IT. I told Jeff this and he smiled and said “Ok, call them up and offer them $98 dollars cash.” Phooey. If it can just stay on the market just for a few more...