Author: Gracie


-On the house search. We really wanted this beautiful house, but due to some strange loan regulations that is not possible. I was disappointed for a minute, but then I really started thinking about how I do trust that we will be where we are supposed to be. I don’t...

Let me guide you.

Sometimes it’s inevitable- the need for control. I suppose it’s our earthly desire to feel safe and have everything in sight. However, as I’ve seen over and over in my life, the more I try to control things the less control I have. It’s like this mathematical certainty. I mean, if...

Trusting the process…

Jeff and I are still in the market for a house. What a stressful process! We’ve only just begun, but I really feel like we are entering this crazy thing with open eyes. My dad set us up with a lender who really knows his stuff. He’s basically bombarded...

Love, create, question.

This morning I feel very awake- I think it’s the difference that the sun brings to a day. When things get gray I tend to feel cozy, but maybe a little unenthusiastic. Today, after who knows how many days, the sun is shining in my windows and reminding me...

WE WON!!!!

You know, I refrained from talking about politics here… I do that enough in real life. However, I am so thrilled on this early November morning that I can barely stand it. He won. These past years I’ve felt so plotted against, violated in so many ways, this victory...

Love love love.

Copy this sentence into your livejournal if you are, have ever been, or will ever be, in a heterosexual marriage and you don’t want it "protected" by the bigots who think that gay marriage hurts it somehow.… Continue Reading...


Time for a change…

So. tired. lately. It seems like we get one or two restful nights before the next tooth comes in. It’s hard to really notice the difference (between the rested version of me and the not-so-rested version, although I wonder if Jeff would disagree…) until it comes to my creative...

I’m burping feathers.

Be prepared- a week’s worth of thoughts and pictures here…

Yesterday morning I awoke early to find a little baby grunting and crawling her way out of her bed and into mine. It was dark and surprising and incredibly sweet. I mean, she sleeps half the night right next to...


 I’m feeling pretty damn good today despite the new friend drama and being pretty tired (another teething night…) and my house being a mess. This morning I went with Gretchen and Tuula to Jungle Java- a super cool play place/cafe. I met some new mommas and made a potential new...