Author: Gracie

Just a little bit for me.

I’m doing a doula training this weekend. I’m very excited to be doing something just for me. You know, for my personal betterment. I mean, I write, I am creative, I garden, I relax and nurture my friendships, I’m always up to something… But it’s been a while since I...

Just business.

I decided to clean up my friend’s page a bit. I unfriended a few folks who either a)never updated anymore or b)I didn’t feel a great connection with. If you are one of those people who never updated, but you want to read my private entries (not that there...

My house is a very very very fine house!

I haven’t written much on the subject because… well, I’ve been too tired to do it, and when I do have energy I’d rather spend it on the house. Every day brings more change and it feels a little more like my home. We are all moved in, except we’re...

For my Vera.

Dear Vera,

A little more than a year ago I was resting a mug on my big belly and imagining what it would be like to be a mother, wondering who’s life would be in my hands and how both of our lives would be molded and shaped by the...

So excited. I’m about to have some keys in my hand.

Today is the day! We’re going to the closing at 4pm. So we’re very excited. Any local people who read this who wanna come to our painting party on Thursday evening are welcome! Just let me know if you are into it! (There’s a free dinner in it for...

It’s February again!

And COLD! My god it’s cold. I won’t be complaining though. I’m trying to make complaining a thing of the past. There has been fuel for complaint around here lately, but I find that it is rooted in my inability to control a situation or know how it will...

On work.

I’m up far too early… Today little John came at 5:25am, and my poor nursling is still in bed with a cough. Thank goodness she has a warm Papa to snuggle with. I always find myself back here. The sun hasn’t yet come up, I’m working on far too...

and be happy.

Finally! Some time to sit down and write! Life lately has been a bit of a whirlwind. I don’t know that it has actually been that busy, but it has taken up a lot of mental energy, so writing has been on the back burner. … Continue...


The other morning Vera was crawling all over Jeff and I, in our normal weekend ritual. She sat between us, and as her papa smiled at her she leaned over and laid a perfect little baby kiss right on Jeff’s cheek. She has since repeated this many times, although...

Getting an education.

I wrote an entry yesterday but it was all erased by Jeff somehow (poor guy felt so bad!) and at that point I didn’t have the gumption to write it over again anyway. So many things on my mind. I’m thinking a lot about how to balance this lifestyle...