Author: Gracie

WFP: simpler and closer

Last night we experimented with the pasta maker. So. much. fun. My sister came to help- it was a pasta party! I don’t see myself buying pasta again, unless I really want it in a certain shape or something. It was hardly any work at all. I’m excited to...

35 weeks and garden update

35 weeks now. Only about a month to go until we meet this new little person! I can’t believe how fast it’s all gone by this time. At the same time it doesn’t surprise me. We’ve become a busy bunch this year- expanding the garden, fixing up the house...

Getting ready…

Last night I attended my last birth as a doula before this baby comes. It was pretty close to perfect- mama was strong and focused, papa was totally with her and in tune with what she needed, the birth center was really great, labor was fast and smooth… a...

WFP: Seasonal goodness

I’m just going to go with "WFP" now, rather than "Wednesday Food Post"… just because that makes sense and I can be lazy like that. 🙂

Today I was thinking all about how great it’s been to make the commitment to eat more locally. I can’t say I’m a complete...

Happy Monday

My little brother came into town as a surprise, and so it’s been a flurry of family activity. He lives in Texas, and is going to be touring in Japan in the early fall, so I may not see him again until Christmas time- and new baby will already...

Wednesday food post- food storage progress.

I’m so glad to see those little sprouts in my garden- soon we’ll have more food than we know what to do with… although I’m sure I’ll figure something out. I went to farmers market today and bought some asparagus (which I plan to make some cream of asparagus...

Torrential rain!

So I thought I’d do a quick update. The past few days have been really hot and muggy, which under normal circumstances is uncomfortable for me, but with this baby on board I can tell I’m getting a little more winded. 90 degrees and humid is hot no matter how...

Clearing spaces…

I’ve been angry at a person lately, and it’s feeling kind of toxic. I’m usually able to feel a great deal of compassion for people, but lately that’s been hard to do in this situation. Pregnancy seems to put me in a mama-bear-no-nonsense-protect-myself-and-my-loved-ones kind of space, which is great...

Wednesday food post- experimenting with water kefir!

You know how I’m all about those probiotic fermented things? Well, a while back I ordered kefir grains for milk. You may have seen this stuff at the store- it’s like a more liquid yogurt that’s even more nutritious and probiotic. It’s also really good for people with lactose-intolerance...

I’m a Jensen junkie…

"We fear death. And not just the death that all experience, but another that scares us far more than the real death that comes at the end of our phony lives. This other death that we fear even more comes before the real death- sometimes long before- if it...