Author: Gracie


We’ve been busy and hot- it’s going to stay in the 90s for the next few days… so I’m taking the opportunity to get the house really ready rather than work much outside. Yesterday I had some uncomfortable but irregular contractions that went away after a little while, and...

Independence Day… sure!

I’m not exactly what you’d call a patriot. All this reading I do just leaves me pretty jaded with this country and just government in general. A huge, broken, greed-filled system that perpetuates poverty and injustice and the destruction of our precious land… yeah. Not exactly on board. I’m...

WFP: More sourdough, greens, and pickles!

Since I’m such a newbie when it comes to sourdough, and bread making in general, I’ve decided to just go for it and do at least one sourdough thing a day for a while. I haven’t been making bread often enough to feel comfortable with it, and my results...

The universe strikes again!

So my broom… it broke. A couple of weeks ago, the long handle just broke in half leaving me with a broom that stood not quite to my waist. I don’t know how it happened, but it did. I didn’t think it would be much of a problem, but...

Crazy picture post

This past Friday we had plans to go to the beach with a friend. Both of us had stressful mornings right off the bat, and we were contemplating not going. Let me just say- when in doubt, always go to the beach. We’re definitely going every week until baby...

WFP: Sharing and chia seeds.

I wasn’t quite sure what to post about this week- the humidity and my big ol’ belly have left me doing the bare minimum, food-wise. That’s okay though, lots of salads and simple stuff. But yesterday, being in that funk, I felt inspired by the end of the day...

This strange place

Lately I keep finding myself in this strange place- nothing is wrong, but something’s not quite right. I suppose it could easily be this huge transition we’re going through. Even though I’ve had a baby before, having another is just as big a change. I’m ecstatic, truly. I’m wildly...

We got em!

We went to this auction to get the chickens at the recommendation of our old landlord. He had chickens for years. Anyway, this auction was something else… such an interesting cross-section of people, I couldn’t help but wonder what each of their stories were. I realized that we were...

Kids and chickens.

Just thought I’d do a quick update before our totally packed weekend. Tomorrow we’re getting chickens, putting up trellises, and hopefully laying down mulch… Then Jeff’s off to a wedding and I’m out with friends- or maybe I’ll just collapse and read for the rest of the night (it’s...