Gratitude Friday
Ah, today I’m not at my best. Not my worst, either. Today I’m not as patient as I’d like to be, and I don’t have the energy I wish I did. It’s okay. These are the days that I need a gratitude list, right?
For this image, by this...
WFP: Diversity
I’m taking this organic gardening class to get my "Organic Gardener’s Certification", and so far it’s pretty nice. Good people, just exactly my cup of tea, really. Last night was the first class and I, being my usual overly-philosophical self, got caught up with the whole concept of diversity...
Whole Grain Weekends- Popcorn!
I decided that this weekend would be the perfect time to participate in Whole Grain Weekends, inspired by the lovely Adrie over at Fields and Fire. Considering that I missed a Wednesday Food Post this past week, I thought it perfect timing and a good excuse to...
Gratitude Friday: how bright
You must forgive my lack of a post on Wednesday- I kept trying to find time and space to do it, and there was just none to be found. I will be sure to make up for it next Wednesday. I promise. 🙂
I am a woman that has full...
Things be happening around here. Let’s see… where to start? I’m already fantasizing about gardens. I can’t wait. Each year (of which there have only been 4), I’m more and more excited about the nearing growing season. If it keeps going like this I think I might burst. Sometimes...
Gratitude Friday
Feeling very grateful today. Jeff went out last night with a friend in search of more dumpster goodies, and here’s what he found. I seriously can’t believe that so much goes to waste so regularly. If you’re considering doing this- please do it! Needless waste or good free food?...
WFP: Taking the plunge
Jeff and I had made the commitment a few years ago to not buy anything new, and ever since then we’ve been scavenging fools. Almost all of the things in our house were either free or thrifted, and whenever we want to get rid of something we will either...
Ah, another year…
Well, my sister and the kids have all moved in, and we’re in full swing here. The kids are playing pretty nicely so far. I’m watching all four of them until mid-afternoon every Monday, so I’ll likely be updating in an effort to have some adult time amidst the...
Gratitude Friday
I almost forgot to share my gratitudes on this special Friday. The day has been busy with work- we’re preparing to have my sister and her two kids come and stay with us for a couple of months. They’ll be here tomorrow night, and so we’ve been rifling through...
WFP: Food in the new year
I find myself here, Wednesday again, and feeling less than inspired. I suppose it’s to be expected. Jeff is working two part time jobs now, I’m busy with my new job and taking care of these two kids and the house, and food just… happens. Soon my sister and...