Just a quick one, cuz it’s been 10 days…
Vera has decided to start sleeping on the couch in the living room. I tried to bargain her out of it, to get her to sleep in her own bed that her father lovingly built for her, but I'm finding that I just don't want to fight these small...
A season for mindfulness.
We indulged yesterday. Paczki, homemade cheese steak hoagies (amazing!), friends, potato chips… uuuuuh. So nice! It did get me thinking about the season of Lent (starting today). I don't affiliate myself with any religious doctrine, but Lent? Lent I can get down with for a number of reasons. I...
So… things happen around here.
So, it's February, and I am itching for green. Last week I cleaned up this shelf, which has gotten cluttered over the past several months with various things. Seed starting time is almost here, but not quite soon enough for me. A friend and I are starting to experiment...
Accepting my limits.
Lately I've been meditating on all the ways I'd like to refine my life. I suppose it has a lot to do with all the things I'm juggling, and all the things I anticipate adding into the mix. Kids, jobs, family, friends, farming, potential founding of a non-profit, doula-ing...
Haircuts, a rooster, food, and springtime.
Vera had been begging me for a haircut for the past couple of weeks. I stalled a bit to make sure she was serious. She kept at it, so I gave her a sweet little chin-length cut. I'm not trained at hair cutting, and so it's always a little...
2012, I like you so far.
Has it really been over a week already? Yeesh. I could really use a little routine in my world to help balance things out. As much as I love the fray of social activity and damn good food that is my life, I crave a little more order and...
Food and stuff.
Always a lot happening in the world of food around here. Sometimes I wonder if it's weird to think about it so much. Like, there's just so much in my life that, when whittled down to its core, is all about the food. I suppose it's strange to me...
A date, a house plant, kids.
We've been bustling around lately. Lots of projects, people, ideas and plans, etc. Jeff and I are reinstating a "date night" so that we can get grounded and connect in the midst of all this stuff going on. I had a gift certificate so we went downtown and got...
Ha! Did I say I'd post every day? Hmm… Okay, but twice in 3 days is pretty good, right?
I never did talk about Solstice/Xmas crafting, so here goes.
We kept it relatively simple this year. So much going on, and we didn't want to be up all night before family...