Mostly pictures. :)

Lowering my media intake has been a good thing so far. I found that I don’t do well with setting sort of arbitrary limits- each day is different and I’m not really interested in feeling bad about myself if I don’t do "well" or something. The main goal was to stay conscious of it, and to focus my energies on the things I really wanted to- you know, so I didn’t have that feeling at the end of the day that some of my time has been sucked away from me. And so far, so good. There’s absolutely no shortage of things to do, and I’m having a lot of fun with it. Although the rest of today HAS to be dedicated to getting this place back in order. It looks like a tornado stormed through here- with all the food storage we’ve just kind of let the mess just go. But first an update. 

Really happy about the sunny, slightly cool weather lately. Yesterday I spent most of my day out there. Here are repotted plants from the failed herb bed…

See? It just was taken over by shade and the crazy wisteria (which we cut back several times already this summer)… it just got so much sun in the winter/spring when I was planning it, I didn’t realize. But, I’m totally open to changing things around. I have a plan for where my new herb bed will go, and I also have a plan for this area, too, including a wisteria enclosed sitting spot. It’ll be cool. Plus Jeff is building Vera a little house down by the lilac bush at the corner of the yard (out of our old potato boxes) and it’ll be so sweet. I’ll give you pictures of it after it’s done. πŸ™‚ 

We went to my dad’s work to get our pears this past Friday. He works at a drug treatment center on a farm. Anyway, there was this huge beautiful pear tree that was just bursting with pears. We took a lot of them, but still couldn’t even really make a dent. I’m hoping to find sources for stuff like this all over the place- you know, if I could become a better forager. It’s nice to have such a good source for pears this year. They’re almost perfectly ripe, and then we’ll can them in slices. They are super tasty fresh, too, and tonight I think I’m going to have one baked with almonds, raisins, cinnamon and maple syrup… 

We bought this cool fruit picker basket. It’ll get used every year, so we didn’t mind so much buying it new. 

They had a new pony there, the cutest thing you ever saw… seriously. It’s name is "Biscuit". 

Vera loved it, but had to be held by Grandpa the whole time.

My dad and my little girl. Love.

While we have been pretty down to business lately, there’s no shortage in terms of play, either. If there’s anything these kids give us- mandatory play breaks! 

She randomly asked me for a haircut. So, after lots of double checking, we just did it. She was totally cool and calm the whole time (although we did have to do it in two sessions that day- nothing can actually go from start to finish around here without plenty of little breaks!). Here’s a before:

And after:

She’s turning into such a kid! I’m grateful the haircut went well. I mean, I guess I have to learn how to cut hair, right? I don’t really see myself paying for haircuts for the whole family. It’s not the most professional looking thing, but it works!

We’re already cleaning up the garden a bit. Most of it is ready to get tucked away except for some stuff in that back bed- the luffa that’s towering over everything (and will hopefully keep us from buying any sponges/scouring pads in the future!) and also some greens and brussel sprouts that are still going strong. Otherwise, it can mostly be harvested and put away.

And while we were doing that… I don’t know how kids can get so dirty. I mean, we were with her the whole time- it’s not like she was rolling around in a raised bed or anything! Silly.


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