
I watched this film on Friday evening with Jeff. It was one of the most beautifully executed films I’ve ever seen. It also had some of the most convincing acting I’ve ever encountered. Yay for Capote.
As far as the content of the movie, however, I found it to be brewing with underlying themes. To preface this, the story is basically about Truman Capote (an accomplished writer) and his relationship with a couple of men who, brutally and without a “reasonable” motive, murdered a family in Kansas. Truman decides to write a book about these killings. So that’s the jist.
My major reflections: The parallel between one of the murderers (Perry Smith) and Capote was undeniably apparent to me. Throughout the course of their relationship, it becomes clear that Capote and Smith are very similar. Smith, however, had become a criminal by society’s norm whereas Capote was a criminal at heart. I found this to be the underlying theme throughout the film. It speaks to me on a very basic level- we all have the ability to compromise ourselves and become very dishonest and violent people, even if we don’t act the part or break the law. I think this was beautifully illustrated in this movie.
This movie also, not to ruffle any feathers, was one of the most compelling anti-death penalty stories I’ve ever seen. The movie didn’t voice an opinion either way, but it certainly (to me) subscribed to my beliefs that it is never ok to kill someone, regardless of the circumstance. The death scene in this movie was horrifying, although it was neither gory nor obscene. Just powerful.
After the movie, the lights went up and no one moved. We all just sat for a good 30 seconds. Damn. That’s a good flick. I recommend it, but go with a buddy that you can vent to afterwards.


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