Trusting ourselves
I’m feeling thoughtful and inspired this morning, having gotten lots of the basics done last night while Jeff worked late. The house is in relative order, and so I was sitting here checking up on some of my favorite blogs- oohing and aahing at their latest projects and thoughts. So much inspiration out there. There are days that I see those things (either in person or online) and it pushes me into a place filled with self-pity and defeatist thoughts. I sometimes wonder how they have the time to be so creative, or I’ll become envious and wish that I had the gifts that they do. I’ll look around and suddenly the things that I have are no longer good enough, no longer satisfying in the way that they used to be. Lately, though, I’ve been much less affected by those feelings of doubt. I’m more likely to look at others and feel pride for them, grateful for my creative community. I thought about it, and I was inspired to share my thoughts today.
In this culture, we’re encouraged to be consumers of everything- not just goods. We’ve been told that whatever our skills, someone else can do it better. Whether it be fixing a toilet, singing a song, making a basket, writing a book, painting a picture, being spiritual, growing food… we get the constant message that we have to do just a few special things, get money for it (and however much we earn tells us how valuable what we’re doing is…), and then take that money and use it for all the things that other people can do better. What I’ve found, just in the past two years, is that I love doing things. I love creating. I’ve renounced much of this consumer culture, and determined to become a producer in my own life. Now, rather than being a specialist in any one area, I’ve dipped into most areas. I’m building my skills constantly- but the skill that is perhaps the most important is learning to trust myself.
I have some dear friends who are about to embark on an adventure- they’ve remodeled a box truck to be a "mobile condo". This week marks the last few days in their house, and yesterday Jeff and I went over and got some of their extra stuff- they generously gave us tools, wood, a couple of rain barrels, art supplies, extra food… so sweet! It’s a pretty extraordinary project, and they have had to learn so much to make it happen. They’ve experimented, failed, succeeded, and just generally been pretty adventurous. They’ve also got a bunch of people who just don’t understand what they’re doing or why, and they’ve had to weather the criticism of those closest to them. It’s surely been a challenging time for them, but they’ve also been very brave and focused, and I couldn’t be more proud of them.
Jeff and I are doing very different things from them, but despite that it’s clear that the solidarity is there. What do we have in common? We’re taking agency over our own lives. We’re trying things. We’re learning. We’re no longer allowing the culture to determine what makes us happy. We realize that the things that are important have very little to do with money or status or material successes- things that so many people in this culture spend their entire lives working for. Rather, it has to do with our relationships- to each other, to the earth, to our non-human neighbors, to our own selves. It’s really a pleasure to watch them striving to take charge of their lives, and while perhaps at one time I would have criticized or compared their journey to my own (like so many of their witnesses are doing, unfortunately), I find that it’s been really easy to just bless them in it.
I think that people have been bombarded with the message that they can’t do or have what they want. They’ve also been told that they want a myriad of unsustainable things- things that ultimately, in my opinion, won’t provide the source for true happiness. I’m only at the beginning, but it makes me think of my garden. I don’t really know what I’m doing. It’s a combination of a couple of years of trial and error and borrowed ideas from different books and things I’ve seen. And then I was ambitious and I just went for it. It’s not perfect, and I’m not the best, but it’s so much better than if I didn’t do it at all. This year, I think we’ll actually be eating our stored vegetables through to the spring, and that’s pretty cool. It also would have been impossible to do without risking failure, and inevitably experiencing a deviation from my vision of success. Anyway, people have come by and admired our efforts, and told us about theirs. I’ve been so, so happy to share, and then am always excited to see what they’ve done. However, more often than not my request to see their garden is met with an eyeroll and a "oh, it’s nothing like this…" And then I feel disappointed- because I really am excited to see what they’ve done, and I’m not comparing it to what I’ve done. This whole life thing? It’s a collaboration. If we treat it like a competition then we’ll spend our time being isolated and plagued with thoughts that keep us from truly celebrating our gifts and trying new things. Plus, we’ve got to learn from each other! We can’t possibly be the best at all things, so we’ve got to lift each other up and teach one another, and enjoy individual and unique successes.
Anyway, I’m thinking about this because we’ve been talking more seriously about buying the land across the street. It might not happen, we’re just talking about it. It would most certainly be a collaboration- seeing as how we don’t have much in the way of financial means, we’d be reliant on some financial help. Our vision for the land is also pretty new to us, and we’d need lots of support from friends and family. There’s talk of a community garden, a CSA, the potential for a neighborhood egg share, a mini orchard, a small cob building and an outdoor kitchen- perhaps to hold classes on food storage and urban farming. I’m excited to see what we could do on a half an acre in the city… Do I know what I’m doing? Nope. And it’s a little intimidating. But, it’s also not a reason not to go for it. I’m finding that a big part of tapping into my own potential for happiness comes from trusting myself and my ability to learn. Thinking, I don’t know how to do this now, but I will. Anyway, it’s exciting. I’m excited for my friends in their mobile condo, I’m excited for us and our success this year, and for our plans for next year. I’m excited for my neighbor a couple of doors down who is learning to keep bees… I’m excited for all of us who are willing to try and who are working not to measure their successes against each other. It’s a constant process, but I’m hoping that I keep working to eliminate those competitive thoughts, and instead regularly celebrate my life and my friends, and see it all for what it actually is, rather than a reflection of my own insecurity.
Latest posts by Gracie (see all)
- The Severe Gift - March 4, 2025
- On Grace - January 27, 2025
- Let the world be fed - October 21, 2024
Your neighbor is learning to keep bees? That’s awesome! And how great for you and all your gardening/farming endeavours!
One of the things that excites me about buying a house is using it as a opportunity to start learning how to maintain and work on it myself. I do have to recognize that there are some things that are beyond my current skill level, but at the same time I’m trying to just let myself go for it, repeating the mantra that there are few mistakes that can be made that can’t be fixed.
Oh yes, I’m so happy for you! Having a house has really boosted Jeff’s skills in that area- from just little fix-it-up projects, to building and hooking up a whole kitchen downstairs! He also learned to hang drywall, learning all about electrical work and plumbing, and is always learning more. I’d love to hear all about your projects and what you’re learning. Hopefully someday I can set down some of my projects and tag along on the home improvement stuff- I’d love to learn it too. š
Grace, I am so with you on this post. I think people focus their energy on things that will never make them happy, and sadly look at the things that do make them happy as frivolous and unrealistic. I am so happy that I gave up working meaningless jobs and went back to school. My level of happiness has excelled so much more than I could have predicted. People criticize me, wondering why I don’t work, how I am scraping by, etc. But we have to find our happiness and go with it. It bothers people when they doubt their choices, and they want to rationalize why they do, what they do. Why we can’t embrace other peoples “alternative” lifestyles is merely a symptom of our own doubt.
Get that land, and do wonderful things with it. Be brave.
I’m so glad you’re taking that route! Also, so nice to see you here- I miss you! But, while I’m missing your writing, I’ll know that you’re off doing things that make you happy. I hope you’re always doing that. Thanks for the vote of confidence- your well wishes mean a lot to us. š
This life, these activities, they are not some ‘moral’ bullshit you do to be superior or feel better about yourself or some shit.
This is your passion. This is your lifestyle. This is an intricate part of who you are in this world. In some ways, I think this is your salvation. Both of you. As they grow, it will enrich your children’s lives, no matter who they grow up to be.
So long as it is an undertaking you can handle without over-exerting yourselves, I see no reason not to try it.
Thanks for these kind words. š I wish I knew who you were, though!
I really hope the land thing works out for you, those are all really great ideas!
The only part of my dream from last night that I remember clearly is telling someone that the only true measure of success is happiness, when they were trying to tell me that I needed to have a career to make my life worthwhile:)
Thanks! I love your dream- so awesome! It’s really freeing to realize that you don’t have to fit that mold, don’t you think?
It is, though it’d be a lot easier if more people thought the same way. It’s a bit frustrating knowing that a lot of people (including some family)look down on you for it.
Aww, you are so sweet. <3
I hope you teach classes–I’d definitely attend. Actually, all the ideas you mentioned for the land sound awesome. Land or no land, I think it’s great that you have the ability to take what you have and make something unique and interesting out of it. I’m proud of you, too.
Yay, us! š
We definitely are prey to self-deprecating thoughts, and often hold ourselves back for fear of not measuring up and looking silly. It’s so good that you’re on the path you want to be on, trying lots of things and just doing what makes you happy. That takes courage. I hope you get that land – it sounds like whatever you do with it will be good!
Thank you! I hope you are on the path to happiness, too. š
Grace, this is a great post. This crazy culture teaches us not to trust ourselves, to be worried about what happens next, and to put faith in those we’ve hired to do certain jobs (heal, teach, govern, etc).
Taking small (or huge) steps toward learning about how to really do for ourselves is challenging and scary, at times. But as you say, it’s also really expanding one’s potential to be happy, safe and sane. And it’s right on: we do have to learn from each other, and work together. I think, as a culture, we’ve gotten so reluctant to rely on others in the community when we need help; this has to change.
Thanks for sharing about your friends…I read the blog and am fascinated by and so excited for them. What a leap! Bravo and blessings to them!
Totally- it has to change! I’m so happy to be able to still follow your journey. I just read your newest update- love it. I the verse you quoted, too. I’m no longer religious, but it’s been really nice to see some of those verses and meditate on them, and that one was particularly nice…
Yeah, my friends are rockin! Be sure to follow their blog- I’m excited to see how the transition goes for them over the next couple of months. š
i think what you’re saying about comparing yourself to people is really important… if you want to feel good about yourself, you can always find somebody who’s doing [whatever] worse than you… but in general, i find that i don’t do that! in fact, i very rarely even notice somebody who’s doing [whatever] worse than me (even though they no doubt exist everywhere), and i would never consider feeling like i’m “better” than them… but when i see somebody doing [whatever] worse than me, i’m quick to criticize myself, look down on myself, feel like i’m not as good as they are, and get discouraged…
it’s ridiculous, then, how much more understanding and compassionate i am towards random strangers than i am towards myself! i am trying to work to turn that negative reaction into a positive reaction–i can admire what they do, and i can see what i can learn from them. we’re all at different places along this path, and we shouldn’t let ourselves feel bad about that!
I totally agree- and actually I would agree that you’re too hard on yourself. Hopefully those of us around you can remind you of how great you actually are. š
“I don’t know how to do this now, but I will” is a doorway.
Your life adventures excite and inspire me Grace. You go, girl! š