Torrential rain!
So I thought I’d do a quick update. The past few days have been really hot and muggy, which under normal circumstances is uncomfortable for me, but with this baby on board I can tell I’m getting a little more winded. 90 degrees and humid is hot no matter how you swing it, so I’m hopeful that I won’t turn into a total cliche this summer and will be able to do more than just sit in the shade and pant with Maya. But really, there are worse ways to spend half of my summer. This morning we went down the street to watch a parade, and then I had to shoot off for an appointment with a doula client, and now we’re in the middle of a thunderstorm. I’m glad that it’s actually storming, though, because I keep holding off on watering the garden based on forecasts only to spend the whole day without a drop of rain. Thank you, rain, for actually coming this time!
Yesterday morning, at Yoder Family Farms…
We finished planting the vegetable garden (mostly, I think my carrot seeds were duds, but I’ve got plenty more…), and so we set up our irrigation system. We’ll have to water in two zones to keep the water pressure up, but it should work pretty well and not be much of a job at all. That front bed that Maya is standing next to is now full of little bush bean plants. There were only a couple that had sprouted in the morning, and yesterday afternoon we noticed loads more. It’s so fun to watch everything pop up so quickly and surely. This place is going to be a jungle before I know it…
One of the soaker hoses is busted, but Vera definitely enjoys it!
We caved and bought a bunch of new plants- the ones we started were basically dying. We still totally got our money’s worth, just from the few plants that will make it, and it was a good learning experience. I don’t think we got the right lights, for starters… I’m also not really a fan of starting the seeds in egg cartons. Although it seemed like a great idea at the time and other people were doing it, our seedlings started to suffer and needed transplanting, and they didn’t handle that well. Next year we’ll start them all with ample space so that the only transplanting we’ll do is into the actual garden.
Our new clothesline. I’m not sure why we didn’t do it last year, it took all of an hour to put up… but better late than never!
Jeff’s been a total work-horse. Yesterday we finished our planting in the morning before the heat kicked in, went to my sister’s to help with her garden, then came home and while I took care of some house stuff Jeff continued to mow the lawn with our push mower and then start cutting down the white picket fence that will line the garden. The fence came from a friend’s house and we decided to cut it down to 3/4 the size and line the garden area and the clothesline with it (to keep out babies and dogs if we want). It’ll also be an extra barrier between Maya and the chickens, although I doubt she’d cause much trouble. Anyway, since we’ve given up our gas mower (did you know that mowing your lawn with those things is like the equivalent of driving 250 miles in a car in terms of emissions? Yikes!), we’ve also been really motivated to turn our whole yard into garden. Whenever I think of it I’m reminded of being a little girl and imagining I was in the Secret Garden. Anyway, that’ll be a process, but we’re motivated to get rid of the grass, and soon…
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- The Severe Gift - March 4, 2025
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- Let the world be fed - October 21, 2024
Your garden is looking amazing!
Thank you! How’s yours coming along?
Using egg cartons to start your seeds is false economy, but I guess you learned that. Buy, find or build the right equipment, and take care of it for the long term.
Personally, I’m in favor of keeping a small section of lawn, instead of getting rid of it completely. In a small defined space, lawns are good for helping define a gathering space. It also gives the kids a place to run around and fall down without hurting themselves.
Yeah, we’ll probably keep a central circle, and add lots of mulched and shaded areas that just aren’t super grassy or in need of much maintenance. We don’t want to rob the kids/dog of all the space, but we think we can make it pretty family/gathering friendly without all the grass to maintain. We’ll see!
What is your seed starting set up? I’d be really happy to learn from a pro!
I have one of those chrome wire racks in an east facing window. Each shelf is 4 feet long and holds 4 flats. There are 2 shop lights (2 tubes each) over each shelf that I’m using. I’m slowly buying LED growlights to replace the florescents, as the LEDs are coming down in price. I have enough lights for 3 shelves/12 flats.
I have seedling heat mats for 3 flats, and put reflectix insulation under the mats. Next year I’m buying a thermostat to control the temperature.
I use 128 plug flats for most of my seed starting, and pot up to 3 1/2 inch pots (18 per flat) when they get their first true leaves. When the weather is good enough they go out into the 3′ x 4′ cheapo cold frame. The cold frame is on its last year, and I’m building a better one for next year, with more insulation and more space.
Next year, the greenhouse will be ready to take over some of the duties as well. I have a full set of soil blockers, which will eliminate much of the need for pots. The soil blocks end up being a bit to messy to deal with, so I have to stick with the plugs and pots when I start indoors.
lovely garden post,yay:)
I’ve always loved and wanted a ‘lawn’ that consists of (local native)mixed grasses and wildflowers, clover, moss, and various creeping herbs. I think that in the U.K./Europe, it used to be common to use chamomile as a lawn. I can’t recall whether it was German or Roman chamomile that works best…I *think* Roman.
Love your clothesline!
That sounds beautiful! I’m going to have to do more research, definitely. It’s tough to find alternative lawn information!
We still haven’t planted our garden yet! Yikes!
To be fair, we have some lettuce coming up from the stuff that bolted last year and lots of parsley and oregano. I hope that we’ll have the time this weekend (between doing the Dexter-Ann Arbor run!) to get some seeds planted! 🙂
By Michigan standards, you’re doing fine. If I were you I’d totally count the lettuce! 🙂
Your daughter is so beautiful–in that second photo of her, she looks so much like you. I miss you guys so much. Which is why I can’t wait to see you this summer! I’m thinking late July/early August? I have to call your mom to figure things out.
Also, your garden looks amazing.
We can’t wait to see you! That’ll be great- we’ll have new baby and you can meet the whole crew. Vera will be thrilled to read the belly button book with you. 🙂