Temporarily defeated
Today the trees were made of glass. Mesmerizing. Yesterday everything was coated in ice, so Chris and I walked around taking pictures of it all. It was great cold fun. Today though, the sun was out. It was as if all the hidden beauty that every tree secretly possessed was revealed to us all. It was like they were made of jewels. Unfortunately my silly camera doesn’t see what I do. I didn’t hardly do it all justice. No harm in trying though.
and a couple from today with the sun…
and to finish it off… icicles with icicles, and a heart-shaped stump 🙂 Voila.
School is going well for me so far. I’m glad to be back. I actually miss work a little- I could go and then leave. With school I carry it with me. Neither is good or bad, just different. I partially feel that way because I haven’t really been to work in a week. I went in Friday after I got hit, but soon left because I… oh right… GOT HIT BY A VEHICLE.
I’m recovering well. My muscles were trying to kill me the next day, I could barely move or sleep. I actually woke up whimpering. But Jeff’s mom is a PT so he knew some stuff about range of motion, etc. and has helped my with my injured shoulder. It has stopped hurting when I move it, I just can’t lift anything or walk the dog, basically anything where I have to flex. I was really lucky and blessed to get away from that how I did. I’m happy and alive. I was also lucky to have been planning a little birthday hot-tubbing extravaganza on Sunday for Jeff, which turned out to be amazing therapy for me.
I feel like this taught me many things. I need to really value my own life more. I care about being here.
Happy MLK jr. day to all. I really like that guy. I really do. My favorite quote (so far) for you:
“I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. That is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.” -Martin Luther King Jr. (accepting the Nobel Peace Prize)
Latest posts by Gracie (see all)
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- Let the world be fed - October 21, 2024
there are still no signs on winter down here. while i am not a winter fan id like to know the seasons are happening, damn global warming.
too true. Damn global warming. Damn the man! Save the empire! Did you get your vid? A treat to follow it of course…