She slept!
My baby. Slept through the night. She woke up once to nurse, and so I grabbed her close and I only realized it was morning because Jeff’s alarm started going off. That means it was 5:30-ish, but still. She slept from 10pm to 5:30. Yes! Then she went back to sleep until 8:30, whereas I woke up abnormally chipper and energized at about 7:15 with no prompting from her. When she was really little she only woke up once or twice a night to nurse. She was pretty easy, and it got to the point where I’d just sleep right through it and barely remember it all. She sleeps right on the side of our bed, so I don’t have to get up to grab her. Anyway, then teething. She started getting those bottom teeth and she wanted to nurse like 4 or 5 times a night. Still, I got to sleep through it mostly, but it is harder to get up in the morning on those nights. Ever since then it’s been up and down, but usually at least twice a night, often times 4 or 5 times. I thought this was teething or growth spurt related, but it’s been going on for a while and I think she’s just hungrier than she used to be. So we’ve been giving her sweet potato and banana. She likes them! She always gives us a very surprised look with the first bite, but then she gets excited and leans towards it with an open mouth and grabs the spoon and gnaws on it. So fun and cute. One day we gave her a little infant cereal, but I had my doubts about giving her grains, even though everyone has been telling me that they are the best to start with. But it just doesn’t make sense to me. Why would I want to give her a processed food to start with? I know, they say because it’s the least likely to cause allergies, but I’m not so convinced.
Deep breath…
Just a few weeks ago I learned about this thing called “GAP Syndrome” aka “Gut and Psychology Syndrome”. Basically my understanding is that we have a whole universe living inside of us. All different kinds of yeasts and bacteria, specially suited to live in our bodies- specifically in our guts. This is why yogurt and other “probiotics” are good for us. We NEED these cultures of bacteria and yeast to be healthy. They help us break down foods, they help us flush out toxins, they help us control what we put in our bodies. These cultures have evolved with us. They are vital. They also help keep bad bacteria and yeasts at bay by controlling their populations in our bodies. Unfortunately, the way that we live today has put this relationship in jeopardy. We are frequently treated with antibiotics but are not given the probiotics nescessary to help rebuild these populations.
Sometimes, the bad bacteria and yeast grow in number (for a number of reasons, not just antibiotics) and they cannot be controlled by the good microflora. And what do the bad bacteria and yeasts thrive on? Sugar, for one, is eaten by the yeasts and produces alcohol in your gut. They also feed on gluten. Basically, the modern American diet is the perfect thing to keep these bad cultures thriving. And it’s a vicious cycle. People now have a whole host of issues that were just not really around 100 years ago. Many digestive issues, skin problems, allergies, autism, ADD, psychological disorders, the list goes on and on. Unfortunately, doctors are having a terrible time diagnosing this stuff, just because so many people have so many different combinations. Well, the theory here is that it all ties to this GAP syndrome, and that we could fix a whole host of problems by simply fixing what we eat, and in turn, fixing our gut. This doesn’t mean that all sugar and gluten, etc, are BAD. It simply means that if we have this issue (which many of us do), then we should stop eating all the stuff that feeds the bad guys and we’ll get better. They say they’ve actually cured autism in their own kids by doing this diet. Isn’t that amazing?
Anyway, I’m not saying that this is for everyone, or that everyone needs to subscribe to this line of thinking- although I find it pretty hard to refute. Regardless, what really gets to me is that we all just assume that if we have a problem it has something to do with our own bodies or it’s just the way we are. We just don’t work right, and so we have to take drugs or something to fix ourselves. This theory basically says that we do work right, and that we don’t have to be slaves to drugs or disorders any longer. We can simply change the way that we eat. It makes perfect sense to me. It’s worth a try at least.
Anyway, if you’re interested – here’s a youtube video with the woman who wrote the book on this.
This makes me hopeful and energized. I feel like most issues in life are of this nature. I have faith that problems can be solved and people can be healed. Things that seem so impossible can be simple. When I was younger I wrote lots of songs. I sang and played guitar. I would say that I do those things, but honestly I haven’t in the past couple of years. Occasionally I’ll just be thinking or writing or whatever, and I’ll be reminded of some lyrics in one of my songs. I’ll find that a line I wrote about something entirely unrelated has just become relevant in a whole new way. It’s fun. Anyway, today I thought of this one:
Too many people believe in digging for the truth
but I’ve found through the years
it tends to burst up from the ground
and as soon as I stopped falling
and scratching at the earth
the moment came to greet me.
August 23rd:
My sweet, sleepy baby.

August 25th:
We went to the park and she went on the swings for the first time. She seemed… invigorated.
August 26th:
I’ve started making bread. It’s so amazing hot out of the oven, slathered in butter. I’m dreaming of apple butter already. I’m hoping to just continue to make bread forever. There’s something about the simple work that makes me feel like I’ve done something really good, really worthwhile. I mentioned that to my sister and she said that the people she’s been reading all about say that life should be made up of 3 things- “bread work” (which is work done for sustenance), community service, and recreation. I think they were really on to something. Perhaps that’s why I’m at my happiest when I’ve had a day where I’ve worked in my garden, made a good meal or two, spent time with the people around me, and gone to bed with a good book. Things don’t have to be so complicated.
Quote of the day:
“Do the best that you can in the place where you are, and be kind.” -Scott Nearing
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- Let the world be fed - October 21, 2024
Friends of my parents experienced what you’re talking about with their second daughter. She was born with a whole host of developmental delays and was diagnosed with autism AND celiac disease right around the same time. So they figured a lot of her difficulty in mastering little things was due to the fact that her body couldn’t function eating grains and pastas and whatnot.
They changed her diet (and theirs, to some extent) and noticed a marked improvement in her functioning. Of course, she’s still autistic, but a higher-functioning autistic and is responding well to her therapy.
They live in California, but were able to come east for my wedding. I remember G (the little girl), when she came into my parent’s house right before the ceremony, made a BEELINE for my parent’s dog and sat there for a good while absolutely entranced by the dog. She chattered away to the dog in nonsense-language, but I remember being struck at how much BETTER she seemed.
Isn’t that amazing? It really makes sense, too. If you have time, really, watch those videos on it. I watched the dvd lecture, but I’m sure it’s got the same info. Anyway, it seemed so obvious when she explained it.
I agree whole heartedly with this theory. (I wish I could somehow reverse this cyst on my brain by such means.) But the amount of people resistant to gluten, pasteurized dairy, and the like, it makes sense.
Congrats on the good nights sleep, one of the most important things in the world!
Do you need anything special to make bread? I’d like to try making it sometime. Oh, and I love the lyrics.
Yep, it really does make sense! I actually thought of you because of your new diet, but I don’t know if that’s related… Anyway, here’s a video of a guy who healed himself of his cancer:
Oh sorry, I meant to mention the bread too- what do you mean by special? I don’t know of any gluten free breads, but I wonder if you could make it with rice flour or something… hmm.
My computer is too slow dammit. I will have to watch the video at work, looks interesting.
I want to try to make regular bread, I just wont eat it. What’s your favorite kind?
The diet does seem to be helping, a lot.
And happy birthday! I didn’t realize. I hope it’s fantastic!
Thanks, lovely!
I really like this kind:
I’m going to try it without sugar and with all whole wheat flour… we’ll see!
Woohoo sleeping through the night!!!!
I totally think what we eat and how much it has been over processed makes a difference in everything. So many people have allergic reactions to things and don’t even realize it because it comes out in behavioral symptoms instead of physical ones. Or have allergic reactions and don’t realize they shouldn’t be feeling that way!! Especially with things like ADD and Autism (which can be cured in some cases with diet and extensive behavioral therapy! woo!)
I’m throughly convinced that probiotics, and more specifically acidophilus is one of the most important supplements ever! and it has saved me soooo many times!
Love the lyrics, love the bebe pictures!
Happy happy birthday!!! I hope it’s a wonderful day!!!
Re: ps
that’s a very interesting theory. i’ve always felt sort of like a lot of my physical illnesses are tied into what i’d been eating at the time… because of this, i’ve been trying to eat better, and aiming for more fresh fruits… when you’re as picky (and used to food in a box) as i am, it’s a long road…
although i have to say, when i tried that yogurt with acidophilus, it just gave me diarrhea.
oh, and congrats on the baby sleeping through the night!!
You know, I wonder if that’s some kind of good sign- it certainly affected your digestion. I wonder if you ate it every day it would improve…
i DID eat it every day for a little over a month, thinking that the diarrhea was unrelated and that the yogurt would cure it! i finally got lazy and didn’t go to the grocery store for about a week after i ran out, and the diarrhea stopped. one day after i started eating the yogurt again, it started up again! maybe i just already have plenty of that acidophilus occurring naturally in my stomach, so the yogurt was like an overdose…
i’m seriously the queen of butting in…
Do you have any other lactose problems? Excessive amounts of acidophilus will give most people diarrhea, but the amount of acidophilus in most yogurts is not a lot, even if it’s that weird activa stuff. Maybe you would have better luck taking it in capsule form instead of eating yogurt? Sorry for butting in..i’m just perplexed. 🙂
Re: i’m seriously the queen of butting in…
i do feel kind of gross (but don’t get diarrhea!) if i eat a lot of milk or ice cream, but a regular serving of yogurt or cheese doesn’t usually affect me at all. i still eat yogurt all the time and i have no problem with it–it was just that activa yogurt that got me!
Re: i’m seriously the queen of butting in…
Weird… I really wonder what would happen if you ate raw dairy. Both Jeff and my sister were lactose intolerant until we started using raw dairy products. Anyway, it’s a thought.
Re: i’m seriously the queen of butting in…
Huh! maybe it was just the activa and not actually the acidophilus? If you are still interested in taking it, i’d try it in supplement form instead of the activa stuff.
Hooray for bread! I love how soft it is when it first comes out of the oven. yum.
Mmmmmm…. soft warm bread….
Happy it’s your birthday in a few minutes!!
Yay! Thanks!
oh and happy (i’m slightly late) birthday!! i hope you had a good one…
Thanks! It was perfect!
Hey, happy birthday for yesterday! Hope it was great, you deserve it 😀
Aw thanks so much!
You are an expert livejournaler (is that a word?)!! You put me to great shame! 🙂 This was VERY interesting. Right now I am helping care for a family of autistic children. There is a seven-year-old boy (who I used to take care of when he was an infant) and a set of 5 year-old twins – a boy and a girl. All three are autistic. I remember when I worked at the seven year old’s day care when he was an infant/toddler. All of us caregivers were commenting on the fact that his mom brought him hot dogs for lunch at such a young age. I also remember the mom commenting that they didn’t eat very healthy in their house – they loved junk food. I just wonder if this is a coincidence. They are actually great parents! Some people just don’t know what to feed their babies. Now I am wondering… is this genetic or food related? On a more light hearted note, I will be in town on Saturday September 13. I plan on stopping by. It’s too bad your delicious bread pictured above will have been consumed by then. 🙂
Yay! It’ll be nice to see you- I’ll make some bread specially for you. That’s so interesting about that family. I think it’s probably not a totally clear-cut issue, but it’s my belief that many issues are food related. I’m so glad you found this relevant, my hope is that the word really spreads. How many families could be helped by this news, ya know? The main thing for me is- our bodies and minds are rarely broken, we just have fooled ourselves into thinking that poor nutrition and processed and modified food is “normal” and that our bodies should be able to take it. Well, here are the consequences! Eat food and be well!
PS Vera is sooo cute and you seem to capture her with the camera at just the right moments! 🙂 I’m glad she slept for you. I hope you are still catching some zzzzzs!