School’s almost over!

Very excited about that indeed. Weird thing is, as much as I am celebrating mentally, I’m all the sudden struck with a slight sense of grief. I guess I’ll miss all the variety in my days. I can still study away the summer though, but this time with thoughts of vegetables, recipes, crafts, travel, and stories!
I gave a speech today, and I did really well. I didn’t just do it, but I nailed it. I even got approached afterwards by a girl who said she thought we did a great job. I actually did a good job… I could feel it all through my body. I was able to think and explain, my work was interesting and fun, I spoke more than the other two people in my group, it was just… good. YAY FOR ME! Remind me of this moment next time I think I’m going to die.

Project 365-

April 21st:
For date night J and I had a fire in the back yard and played with sticks on fire. It was tres romatique!

April 22nd: Earth DAY!!!! Woohoo. A perfect one at that.

April 23rd:

It’s what my life sorta looked like for a minute…

April 24th:

Aren’t our raised beds lovely? I’m ordering soil for them on Thursday, and then we can plant shortly after! I’m so siked!

Today was great. I got to rock out on my presentation, I got 100 on my big paper in one class, I finished 2 other finals, and I got to go out for a sandwich and an iced chai with Beth. What a good day.

Rose is here for our Tuesday walks 🙂 Hoooray for spring!

“Every generation laughs at the old fashions, but follows religiously the new.” -Henry David Thoreau


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