This week is looking busy already, and hot, but I’m determined to take it easy and slow for the sake of my comfort. I’m being sure to ask for more support where I need it, when I can identify it. I’m on-call, too, so all the more reason to rest when I need to. Thanks for all the comments the other day- they were really helpful. I think that in the end it was really less about that little situation and more about just being called to be more consistent and direct- both as a parent and in my own life. I’m overwhelmed by the idea of having to confront stuff like that, and we’ll just have to do our best. I think that means that we will have to be brave and stick up for our beliefs where necessary, but I think just as importantly it will inevitably shine a light on our own hypocrisy, and we’ll have to make a point to be able to admit our wrongs and make adjustments where we need to.
32 weeks now. Full of baby, that’s for sure. Time’s flying. 🙂
I asked Jeff to make these bookshelves for me and he just busted them out this weekend. I love it. I’ll find some baskets that will fit for some baby stuff and some of Vera’s toys, and we’ll put some of her books out here too. Next comes the little bench seat under the window that will open on a hinge for storing blankets/whatnot, and will definitely be Maya’s favorite perch.
Today I’m:
- making crackers and starting bread
- finishing up the last of my planting- and then waiting to see what of the transplants will survive it all
- lots of general pick up & laundry (I’m going to get that out of the way first!)
- menu planning
- putting together more giveaway stuff
- reading
- yoga and weights
- having a family walk later that will likely include ice cream…
I hope you’re all having a warm and peaceful day. 🙂
Latest posts by Gracie (see all)
- The Severe Gift - March 4, 2025
- On Grace - January 27, 2025
- Let the world be fed - October 21, 2024
I think my sourdough starter is starting to work, it seemed a little bubbly today. Are you supposed to stir it more than once a day?
Yay baby belly pic! I can’t wait ’til I have another little tenant in my womb:)
I love the shelves, and the window seat idea is great. I love built in storage. There isn’t a lot of it here, no closets, because of when the house was built.If we do get to stay here, as Kris is trying to make happen, then we’ll do a lot of renovations on it, because even though eventually we’d want to build a new place, I know that wouldn’t happen for a while.
Sounds like a lovely productive day! A family walk sounds nice, especially with the ice cream;)
Oh yeah, you guys are trying! I hope I hear good news from you soon. 🙂
Yeah, we’ve been on a mission to have good storage in this house. It was built in the 40s, and has itty closets which are charming but we have to be more creative. I’d love to see pictures of your house!
We are trying, but since it took a year with EIlidh,(and the only form of birth control that we used for years before that was withdrawal)and with my PCOS, it could be a while. But I hope not!
I’m not sure if this house was built in the 40s or 50s, but the only sort-of closet is this bit of hallway between the two(tiny) bedrooms, with a few shelves and some coat hooks.
I keep meaning to post pictures, but with the pathetic signal here, it hasn’t happened yet. I will get around to it soon, though!
doh! I tried to post this comment from my gmail, the signal failed, it didn’t look like it was going to work, and then I accidentally erased it, started over, and posted again…oops.
So full of baby!! looking wonderful m’dear!
Love the bookshelves!
Thank you thank you! I loved the recent pics of you and baby- it suits you. 😉
we’re organizing for baby today to. I have the cradle ready in my room and cleared off my dresser to make space for a changing pad and doo-dads that will be needed in the middle of the night…getting right down to it and sometimes really feeling it!!
You’re not far off and you look really really great! Very pretty! Love the shelves!!
Thank you- I feel good! Oh wow, you ARE right down to it. I’m so excited to “meet” your little guy!
It’s been a warm day, that’s for sure!
I can’t believe you’re at 32 weeks already. That little baby will be here before anyone realizes!
I love the bookshelves and your plan for what to fill them with! We took a family run last weekend and someone had put out a basket on the side of the road with a ‘free’ sign. I immediately thought of you! Not only because you’re thrifty and have so many stories of finding really neat, useable things on the side of the road, but also because I know you like baskets.
Have a wonderful family walk this evening. I hope it cools down enough to be enjoyable.
Aw, so nice of you to think of me while passing a basket! Makes me smile…
I remember thinking that your pregnancy went fast, and look at him now! I’m trying to savor it as much as possible. 🙂
You look great! Time really is flying. Where the heck did this month go?!
The room looks so inviting and cozy. The shelves look perfect! I like how you get so much light in your house. All of your indoor shots are so full of natural light, it’s wonderful. ♥
I also have to do my menu planning this week. Thanks for reminding me.
Have a great walk. Yum yum, ice cream!
I know! I can’t believe it’s almost June!
Ooh, you should post about your menu plans sometime. I’d love to read about it. 🙂
I have posted just short blurbs about them but the biggest blurb I posted was in January: http://yayhappens.livejournal.com/495945.html
At the end of the comments is where the link to the calendar I use is.
I only do dinner planning for now because if I don’t get out of the house I will go stir crazy! We do lunch out or have a picnic but everything for that meal is so random. I’d like to have a loosely based lunch plan. I just might work on that for this month. 🙂
Grace, you’re right! It’s not always easy to self-evaluate, but it’s definitely something we should all strive for, especially as parents. It’s even harder to be direct about something with a loved one, especially when what we believe is perhaps in conflict with what they believe to be right.
Your baby has grown so much, so beautifully! Keep listening to your body and rest while you can. Sending you “smooth sailing” thoughts.