Peace is right now.
Oh my, I'm feeling a tad discouraged. Or maybe that's the wrong word for it. No it's definitely the wrong word for it. I'm many things, I guess. I'm feeling… complicated.
Fresh trout caught by family friends who live on Lake Huron, lightly breaded and pan fried, served with roasted sweet potatoes and sauteed cabbage and beet greens, topped with fresh pea and sunflower shoots. Yes yes.
I had a pretty great day, actually. I laughed a lot. Like, big hearty belly laughing with Jeff and the kids. I smiled all day. Tonight I'm feeling the cumulative effect of a long day, a lot of work and responsibilities, the unpredictable nature of parenting young kids and being an integral part of many other peoples' lives, and then the added passions and creative endeavors that Jeff and I are both embarking on, together and separately. It's kind of a hilarious juggling act, sometimes.
I'm taking this yoga class with my mom. I've only been once, but I really liked it just because the instructor really talked to us about feeling out the moment and staying present. She said something along the lines of "Peace is right now." I just really needed that meditation, and it's stuck with me ever since. My past is gone, my future doesn't exist really. Living in either state only brings about anxiety and stress. Being in each moment brings peace and contentment.
I don't want to complain. It's actually kind of funny at this point. I have just spent weeks working to pull all of this off- the new farm in particular. It has largely been good, although I would really like so much more to have happened by now. But, for doing it all on my own and with all my other responsibilities, I have something real here that I can be proud of. It's the "all on my own" part that can feel a little hard these days. My sweet partner, with so much to do himself, has been largely unavailable to me. This is just not exactly how I envisioned our first year farming together… but things so rarely turn out the way you envision.
I am reaching deep inside almost every day, trying to pull from my strength and garner a little more patience and a little more surrender. I see my blessings all around, but I am very much challenged by life lately. I am learning how to really work, how to keep my cool and be a mother to these kids even when I don't feel up to it. I'm learning just to continue to rise up and greet each day, chipping away at what needs to be done. I'm actually feeling my self-esteem build, just being as self-reliant as I have been lately. I feel more confident and stronger in both body and mind. I'm generally feeling like a badass at the end of the day- having planted and shoveled and worked and had arms full of children and taken care of a dozen animals and then fed everyone a good meal at the end of the day. This life is exactly the kind of life I want to live. Full of value and good work and a purpose. My struggle usually involves my own self-pity and entitlement. I aim to squash these things, although I sense this will be a battle. Truly, my only limitations come from my own perspective. This is the painful lesson I am learning practically every day.
Vera and I went on a "girl's date". It was awesome, and we spent the entire morning just talking and enjoying each other. We're going to be making a habit of these kinds of outings.
So what happened today was that Jeff started feeling sick at the end of the day and went to bed with Vera. I, having really counted on his help tonight to prepare for farmer's market on Tuesday, couldn't even garner a few sympathetic words for him. I have had so little help in this endeavor it has left me feeling pretty alone on several occasions. I can't fault him for it, either, because he's been working his butt off too. But, I felt it, and that's the way it is sometimes. So tonight I just was so counting on him, and I felt like throwing my hands up and crying. I grabbed Asa and put him on my back to soothe him to sleep. He went down with no trouble, which was a big blessing for me. Now I've settled on a (long) list made for tomorrow, and a little time taken on myself to just write and reflect.
What I do know is that I really do want this- just everything we're doing here. I want it even when it's hard, even when I feel like I'm on my own. And the beauty is, I'm so *not* on my own. I've just had a little blip of time here where things couldn't go on as I planned in my head. All these struggles are temporary.
Growing pains. Just a little stretching and coming on through to the other side.
I was having a day where I felt really short tempered and where I resented the chaos that surrounded me. I later got word that an old family friend had just lost her baby just weeks from the due date. I lit a candle and cried for them. I felt so petty and my heart just softened. Oh, I don't really know where I'm going with this. I guess, I can just daily see the reasons for living a life with a firm foundation in gratitude. Like that quote- "If the only prayer you ever say in your whole life is 'thank you', that would suffice." (Meister Eckhart)
Yeah. More farming details tomorrow. I have lots of updates to share.
Latest posts by Gracie (see all)
- The Severe Gift - March 4, 2025
- On Grace - January 27, 2025
- Let the world be fed - October 21, 2024
It can be so tough to feel like you’re stuck doing things by yourself–I don’t blame you for feeling overwhelmed! Just keep putting one foot in front of the other and it will all be okay!
I’ll send some happy and peaceful thoughts your way. ♥
You must have actually sent those thoughts! I feel very happy and peaceful tonight. Thanks. ๐
Sometimes, if I can’t sleep, I think of everyone and everything I’m grateful for.
Lately, I’ve been meditating a lot on being grateful for good people. Everytime I meet a good person, I am mindful. It’s been helping me not feel so scared of the world and not so disgusted with humanity.
Isn’t it amazing? The transformational power of just a tiny gratitude practice. Definitely something to make time for every day. ๐
That meal looks so fantastic.
I love reading your honest struggles about being a mother, a wife, and a woman. It is a daily struggle for balance and growth.
It makes me feel better about not being superwoman all the time. None of us are. We are only us.
I so hear you on this! I love the occasional blogging confessional. ๐
I was in an interesting discussion regarding an article about language in a friend’s textbook. Specifically the article was about the fact that these ideas of “live in the now” and “be in the moment” and such are being misinterpreted because of a translation barrier between the Eastern religions from which these ideas are taken and our own language and thought.
We have specific, different words for Past, Present, Future, Now, Before, After… These words and the concepts they represent are more complex and fluid in the cultures where we learned Yoga. “Present” and “Now” are more about balancing the forces of the past on the current situation, and knowing that the future will come regardless of your action or inaction. Being “In the Moment” is mostly about understanding that the passage of time has become the present, without ignoring the past or the future, and without ignoring the Now as if it were already the Future.
We are having trouble with this concept in Western society because our languages have evolved differently and the concepts of Past, Present, and Future are so clearly defined. But in these other languages the Now, the Moment, is a culmination of all of those concepts. It’s like being able to stand on a long highway and equally appreciate the road where you’ve already walked, the road you have yet to experience, and the beautiful sunset that’s happening right in front of you, that you couldn’t have experienced at any other time because of the exact angle of the mountain in the distance and the effects of the exact chemical composition of the storm that just passed you.
I found this idea fascinating, that because of a language barrier we are effectively interpreting these ideas to mean the exact opposite of what they’re intended to teach us. Being in the Moment isn’t about appreciating what is going on in front of you to the EXCLUSION of everything else as we are so often told, it’s about appreciating how everything in the past has culminated in this moment existing for you, and how the choices you make based on everything that’s come before has such an impact on what kinds of experiences you will get in the future, and how we can’t control or predict the lasting outcome and what kinds of small moments we will get to experience based on some seemingly unrelated action.
It all comes back to balance. Not getting so caught up in the past that you can’t see the future it has brought to you. Not getting so caught up in the present that you don’t plan for the future. Not getting so caught up in planning for the future that you can’t see how you have come to this point.
Ha, sorry for the tangent. It just so happens that on my friends’ list, your post came up right after a post by someone claiming to “live in the Now” by completely ignoring her past choices, their consequences, and the potential consequences of her current choices. She’s opting to take a more destructive route with the idea. You, however, seem to have a more balanced idea of things. Like even if our brains have trouble fully grokking the concepts these little phrases are trying to teach us, you are somehow more instinctively getting what it’s all about. Personally, I’ve enjoyed the ability to think a long few hours on the subject. I guess to some degree it’s like meditating.
This was so interesting! Thanks for taking the time to write it. I am glad that my instincts are more in line with the thinking. When I thought about actually literally being only in the present moment, I saw that it wasn’t entirely a good state of being. Our pasts teach us valuable things, our futures are exciting and motivating and very real. I suppose it’s really just about seeing that we should not hang on to negativity that no longer (or has yet to) exist. Like you said, it’s more about deconstructing the roadblocks that exist within yourself- to live more in a state of peace, and to balance it all. <3
Your posts always make me so hungry, your food always looks so delicious. ๐
Also, all of your posts inspire me to try to be a little better. <3
I think you’re quite amazing!
Thank you! You are so sweet and encouraging!
Thank you for this wonderful comment! <3