Fred and Rogers, and Flynn turns 1!
We harvested a rooster. We had Fred and we had Rogers, and 11 hens. We thought this was a fine male to female ratio at the start, but we learned quickly that a 10 to 1 ratio is probably better, or even lower. I am interested in how to...
Spring Chickens!
Spring is here, and with it comes a flurry of activity and changes, both in terms of farm life but also within our personal lives. Our housemates of 5 years, Lindsay and her son Eli, are moving out at the end of next month. We will still see them...
Thoughts on balance and the importance of showing up
One of the reasons I love this blog is because I sometimes find myself going into the archives and remembering. I get to pour through those posts full of pictures of the kids when they were babies, remembering the unique struggles I dealt with not so long ago,...
Warm February days
The unseasonably warm weather has kind of jolted me out of the winter blahs and right into summer scheming and planning. I drew up an initial plan for the 2017/18 farm, and it’s got me swoony and also mildly overwhelmed. We are expanding but also simultaneously pulling back. We’ve...
Expanding inward
Another month has gone by here and I am feeling the delicious effects of this period of dormancy. It’s been funny for me, because I’m just starting to hear everyone’s...
Brief farm update, Dec 2016.
Photos of the farm from the past few weeks:
Jeff cleared the garden area for the spring and I’m delighted. We spent time scoping out the area and settled...
It’s everything.
I feel like I’m entering a new period of study in my life. I am always learning and musing, of course, but lately it’s been a little bit more focused. I have books I want to read, people I want to watch and help, and of course my own...
The god of loss
Yesterday we harvested 8 of our ducks. The whole time my mind was swirling, finding metaphors and perspectives all throughout. I’ve learned that this is how my mind seems to operate when I’m happy and doing the work I feel like I was meant for, even if it’s hard....
Lessons in Farming: Duck poop is nicer than self-pity
Jeff hurt his hip mysteriously and has been laid up for the past day. He went to the doctor and it looks like it’s some kind of a...
October update
I really thought I was going to miss the internet more than I do. It reminds me a lot of when I quit smoking. I couldn’t imagine life without that need. But then I quit and, while I still miss it, I’ve adapted well to the feeling of clear...