Mostly tomatoes.
Okay, so I pretty much immediately fell off of the “I’ll post every day or two” wagon… but I suppose what really matters is that I get back up, dust off, and try again, yes? The last post was about 3 weeks ago, and since then our schedules have...
“Do you want to kill my rooster?”
I woke up this morning at my friend’s new farm. She lives about an hour from me and so we made a sleepover out of our plans. Her place is different and has a more classic farmhouse feel. Old and full of history- the uneven floors and plastered walls,...
Sugar and Sunshine
I am going to try to do a small post every day or two to work out this sharing muscle again. I want to do...
Game changer!
So y’all know how I moved out to this amazing slice of land with my loves and started raising all kinds of animals and got rid of the internet? (Of course the internet is always on our mobile devices… wah wah, but still) Well, it’s been wonderful in all...
To be altogether at home here
I am relatively new to homesteading, and I know that it will take years of feeling everything out before we can move in an instinctive way. I read books and consult forums and all of it, but it just doesn’t replace living it. I *have* been doing this long...
April Update
This spring has found me in a new place- the changes I implemented last year are already showing their benefit in my life. I turned down various opportunities in favor of digging our family’s roots in deeper, and so far, I think I actually made the right choice! I’m...
Friday Farm Update- March 9th, 2018
At the end of the month we will have lived here 2 years. I’m calling it our “Housiversary”, and I’m going to plan something special. Not sure what yet, but it will likely include a fire, some food, and a brand new made-up ritual to signify my immense gratitude...
I’m a homesteader, not so much a farmer.
“I’m a homesteader, not so much a farmer.”
It was late in the summer of 2013, right in the middle of that year of adventure we had. We were cohousing and our house was brimming with life. We shared a farm business with them, attended 3 markets a week, ran...
Reward Pickles and the Structure of Truth.
One of my sisters tells me all the time that her deepest held value is the pursuit of truth. She told me a story recently of a relationship she was in a while back where one of the values this guy held was to “make people happy”. She recounted...
The solid earth, the actual world…
A few weeks back I was catching up on some work at a coffee shop and was approached by a man who identified himself as one of the earliest members of my “garden crew”, back in 2011 at the Farm (the organization that is now the host of the...