I’m a homesteader, not so much a farmer.

“I’m a homesteader, not so much a farmer.”

It was late in the summer of 2013, right in the middle of that year of adventure we had. We were cohousing and our house was brimming with life. We shared a farm business with them, attended 3 markets a week, ran...

Reward Pickles and the Structure of Truth.

One of my sisters tells me all the time that her deepest held value is the pursuit of truth. She told me a story recently of a relationship she was in a while back where one of the values this guy held was to “make people happy”. She recounted...

The solid earth, the actual world…

A few weeks back I was catching up on some work at a coffee shop and was approached by a man who identified himself as one of the earliest members of my “garden crew”, back in 2011 at the Farm (the organization that is now the host of the...

Thoughts on local food, part 1.

I’ve thought so many times about writing some version of this post, but for whatever reason in the past it just never felt like quite the right time. I want to talk about food- specifically about the future of it, about our relationship with it, about who grows it...

Farm update, November 2017

To start, a story I wrote a couple of weeks ago. I shared this story at a recent educational event I put on at the Cooperative called “The Future of Food”. I thought it held some lessons in that context, but I also want to share it here.


No, no, there is no going back.


“To be set upon by longing”

This, being the true etymology of the word “belonging”… seemingly paradoxical, given the way we conceptualize “belonging” in our culture. It’s the natural...

Living in Community: Part 3

Yesterday I got one of those social media generated “memory” posts. You know, the “You posted this 5 years ago today!” thing? Well, it was the sharing of a 5-year-old-blog post called “Living in Community: Part 1”. It was a sweet blog post, all about how we’d suddenly...

Just your monthly existential offering…

I’ve updated so few times over past months that I have trouble sitting down and deciding what to share and what can be left out. However, I often find that if I get started then things just come as they need to, and the think I’m thinking about is…...

A love note.

I was working out in the garden this afternoon, shoveling leaf mulch over neglected areas and the spaces soon to be planted up for the fall. I’m dreaming of sweet roots harvested under a cool fall sun. The time to plant again comes quick. Sweat was dripping down my...