Small changes
A while back somebody asked me what we do for body/cleaning products, and I don’t really think I ever got back to them about it. So, today I thought I’d share a couple of the most recent things we’re doing. First let me say, in the spirit of "Gratitude Friday"-...
Just a few snippets of the last week in food. It’s been a busy week, and unpredictable food-wise. So I didn’t get together that perfect week in food. But I worry not! Even when my menu plan doesn’t go… as planned, it’s never a loss. I just move those...
Making stuff and staying warm…
Our house has been getting insulated for the past two days (our walls were empty!)- and so the kids and I have been stuck in the house for the most part while the guys work. Just as well, really, as it’s been bitter cold and icy. We did go...
I don’t want to forget
Vera already has very good taste in music. Yesterday she was singing: "Baby don’t worry, bout a fing, cuz every little fing, is gonna be awwight!" then she paused and thoughtfully said "I love Bob Mawwey". <3
How Asa, even though he’s so very small, has such a...
Gratitude Friday
Grateful for beautiful bright snow that actually stuck this time…
...WFP: What would you do?
I can’t tell you how helpful menu planning has been to me. With everything going on around these parts, by four or five o’clock I’ve lost most of my gumption in the creativity department. When it was just Jeff and I, I would often make these elaborate dinners after...
Early winter morning… kids to bed early last night, early to rise this morning. I don’t mind. I have my coffee, popped online for a little inspiration, which was found in the form of felt garlands and crafty ornaments and this guy… I will be crafting tonight, and...
Traditions (and there’s definitely some gratitude in there, cuz it’s Friday…)
You know, it was so easy for me in my early twenties to just make up my mind about so many things. I tended to lump things all into their own categories and make very firm decisions about things. For instance, the holidays. Thanksgiving equaled a group of people who...
WFP: On breakfast
Growing up, breakfast was usually boxed cereal with milk. My mom never got us the "treat" cereal with marshmallows or chocolate in it. On special days we’d have a hot breakfast, but it was rare and usually on a holiday. As I got older I either ate nothing for...
Wish I had thought to post this yesterday…
But here it is. I love hearing this woman speak, she’s amazing. And this is so true. Something to keep in mind over the holidays, and always.
It’s got me thinking about a couple of disposable things that I’m attached to. I’m gonna do some meditating on this....