New things
I figure I probably ought to sneak in a last-of-2009 post, considering how lame I’ve been with updating lately. It’s as good an excuse as any…
I’ve had a really really good year, all said. I have accomplished a lot, grown a lot, learned a lot. It’s been a year of plenty, for sure. I anticipate next year being more of the same, because I can’t seem to slow myself down much in that area. Life just seems to swoop me up, and somehow I manage to keep from burning out. Somehow I manage to stay mostly invigorated. I’m having so much fun.
Lately though I’ve been a little tired. Perhaps it’s the holidays. Perhaps it’s that I decided to take on more crafting this year and didn’t think about the fact that a toddler might slow me down a little. Perhaps it’s all the holiday food catching up with me. Really though, I’m pretty sure that it’s the plum-sized human growing away in my belly. It’s so strange that something so small can make me so so tired. So yes, in the next year we are anticipating a new baby, due the middle of July. TA DA!!! I’ve known for a while now, but for some reason I’ve been so much more relaxed the second time around. Almost too relaxed… I’m excited, for sure, but I find I’m far less consumed with this pregnancy than last time. Or really, I’m just thinking about it in different terms. I suppose it makes sense, last time was my first. Now I find I’m focused more on garden plans and how to manage it all while being all round and fruit-filled myself. I’m focused on Vera, and the things I want to accomplish with her to help us both prepare for a new member of the family. I’m focused on Jeff and I and soaking up some really good "us" time now that Vera is old enough to be watched for a while. I’m focused on my health and my ability to get back in shape after the birth. Anyway. We’re happy. It’s a good time for this, in a bunch of respects.
Plus, I’m so excited for her to be a big sister. She lights up my world. I can’t imagine doubling this mama-love. Crazy.
My other baby, Maya. She’s so at home in the snow. Every winter I really see her beauty in a new way. Sweet pup.
From Christmas. She was so fun. Even though Jeff and I haven’t exactly figured out how we’re celebrating this time of year, it was fun to relax for those couple of days and watch her enjoy herself. Dress up boxes and Elmo and squeaky cow print shoes… I think she had a good time.
My crafting corner. I found myself glued here a lot with a quart jar of water and a big bowl of popcorn, crafting away. I managed to finish everything, but not to get pictures of it all (it was down to the wire, of course). I made these great plush playscapes for my nieces and nephews on J’s side, a knit doll for Tuula, reading pillows for my mom and sisters, and more…
This is one of the reading pillows (not my idea, but I just figured out a pattern). Now I just have to make one for myself!
Cool, eh? Perfect for nursing mamas or busy students or just plain tired readers who don’t want to keep holding up the book. 🙂
I do love this time of year. It holds a certain kind of magic. Although, Jeff and I did find ourselves having some serious talks about how we want to honor it in the future- what traditions we still like and which we don’t believe in, etc. We’ve actually had to have this talk a lot, for other issues too. It’s difficult to try to raise your kids consistently when the world around you reinforces so much of what you don’t want. I would say that it’s all about balance, but that’d be too easy. Anyway, I’ll post more about it when I actually know what we’re doing about it.
That’s all I can muster- but hopefully in the next couple of weeks I’ll regain some of my energy for writing here.
I hope you all have some time to reflect on the last year, to make peace with it, and to welcome this new one with open arms.
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- The Severe Gift - March 4, 2025
- On Grace - January 27, 2025
- Let the world be fed - October 21, 2024
Oh wow! Congratulations Grace, I’m really excited for you, Jeff and Vera! I hope the new year turns out wonderfully for you. Love and best wishes 🙂
OH MY GOSH, GRACE! congratulations! i re-read that paragraph like 3 times because i couldn’t even believe it. yay 2010 baby!
happy new year, love! rest up!
Congratulations! I love your family, so beautiful. 🙂
Oh, how wonderful! Congratulations. 🙂 It seriously only gets better every time.
ooh!ooh! another cheeky monkey! yay!
hey i love the reading pillow!
Congrats, that is so awesome:) Babies are the best! Looking forward to reading all about your experiences with pregnancy/birth #2!
So I skipped right to the photos, as I usually do because I can’t wait to see how beautiful Vera is and then read ‘big sister’… so I had to scroll back up and read the actual text.
Congratulations Lovely, that’s wonderful news. Someone like you should definitely bring another beautiful child into the world and I’m certain Vera will be a brilliant big sister. Sooo excited for you.
Loving those reading pillows too xx
Congratulations, that is such wonderful news 🙂
Oh Vera Jean, how I do love thee.
Also, that book pillow is really nifty.
Perhaps it’s the holidays. Perhaps it’s that I decided to take on more crafting this year and didn’t think about the fact that a toddler might slow me down a little. Perhaps it’s all the holiday food catching up with me. Really though, I’m pretty sure that it’s the plum-sized human growing away in my belly
lol, way to just slide that one in there! congratulations–that is awesome, and i can’t wait to see vera as a big sister!!!
Yay congrats! We will be going through this journey together – I’m due July 8th!
That’s so awesome! We’ll have babies just days apart! How are you feeling?
congrats on baby #2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 soooooo excited for you!!!
WOW! Congrats! Can I be just a pain in the neck? I love pregnancy! how many weeks are you? will you homebirth again? Do you plan to exersize? I am due June 15th I get my ultrasound next Thursday. I am going to find out what the baby is if possible. Will you find out or wait?
You are such a good mother, very natural and loving I am so excited for you! I have a moby wrap, and I have a friend who sews them. I wanted to share the link with you just in case you are interested. I have already used mine with my friends baby and you actually get to have hands and some moblity….
Best of luck and health !! 🙂
Thank you! I’m so excited for you too! It was tough not to tell you a while ago, but we were just intent on waiting to announce it. Anyway, I’m due July 19th, which puts me just over 12 weeks.
We’re going to wait on finding out the sex- we did with Vera and it was so fun to find out on that day. I actually don’t think I’m going to be getting any ultrasounds or anything unless there’s a problem, otherwise I’ll just be doing normal prenatals with my midwife. So yeah, we’re planning another homebirth, but I’d love to try water this time around!
I am exercising, but I was so tired that it definitely slowed down. I’m starting to get my energy back, though, so I wanna pick it back up. What about you? How are you feeling now? Are you showing much? I’m just starting to feel a bit “thicker” now, but I know with Vera I didn’t show until around 20 weeks. I guess it all happens faster the second time around!
That’s a great site- I love all the clear wearing instructions. I think I’ll pass that site along to some people. I was actually thinking of getting a moby for this baby (with all the gardening stuff I’ve gotta do this year). Anyway, with Vera I used the Maya Wrap like crazy. I can’t imagine not baby wearing, and I plan to do way more with this one. That’s so cool that you have a friend that sews them. Maybe I can just get some fabric and save the money!
I’m glad to see you back on here. 🙂
I am showing, got a nice baby bump going! Started right away…got thicker at about 10 weeks and have continued to grow, it’s a round bump right in front. If you go to my page and click on the tag “trimester” I am taking a pic every five weeks to see how it changes! that’s fun! in a couple weeks I will post another at 20 weeks, which I am looking forward to as the “half way point” 🙂
I was doing pilates but I found that with this pregnancy and two small children I was really tired to begin with and have just started to feel more “normal” I want to do something that actually feels like a work out but isn’t too strenuous for pregnancy…having a hard time finding that balance. so for right now I am streatching and practicing relaxing. I keep invisioning what labor will be like, peaceful, calm, and intense. I picture it going more steadily than my second birth which seemed horribly rushed and stressful! This one will be better I am sure of it. 🙂
I have never been a baby wearer before! It wasn’t really introduced to me untill Jabin was much older but I think it will be a definite benefit to our lives this time around!!
I know you have a good gasp of healthy eating during pregnancy but it’s really hard for me especially breakfast! I think some of my energy issues may have to do with that. My hips began to hurt early in my fist pregnancy and have not ever stopped but it definitely is more of an issue when I am pregnant again! So sleep is already tricky!
I am loving being pregnant, I can sometimes feel the baby move, especially when I lay down at night! It’s so nice to know the baby is there…we heard the heartbeat and that was wonderful! Do you want my friends Etsy page address? She makes the wraps for $20 which is wonderfully reasonable!
Oh, I feel you on the hip pain. My left hip bothered me a lot towards the end of my pregnancy with V, and it’s already showing up with this one here and there. Thankfully it’s not everyday, but I’m hoping to talk to some of my massage therapist friends to see what they recommend. I don’t know if your pain is similar, but if you are interested in what they say I’d be happy to pass it along.
Keep me posted on your exercising/eating stuff. I’m definitely slacking in the exercising area, so maybe we can encourage each other. I’m working on better posture lately too, I’m a sloucher…
I would definitely take a look at her page! I think $20 is something I’d be willing to spend to save me some time and support someone’s art. 🙂
My friend’s Etsy page…
email her and request the moby wrap she gave me a good deal but I don’t know if it will be plus shipping or not. it would be good to let her know that you don’t know the gender of your next baby so she doesn’t do a gender specific color 🙂
On nutrician…well I ate horribly today all kinds of junk I made homemade biscuits and gravy for dinner. Lots of fat and flour 🙂 YUMMY
My hip doesn’t seem to be fixable! My mother in law is a massage therapist as well and she couldn’t get to the part that actually hurts I don’t think it’s muscle! My hips are even and in place but goodness my right one hurts! I had siatic pain with my first pregnancy I wonder if it’s a pinched nerve??
I am planning to purchase a “manual treadmill” they are small and do not require electricity. they are supposed to be a good work out because you actually have to make them move….