Milk and stuff
So I have what is called a “plugged duct.” Basically there is some kind of “obstruction” and my milk is having issues coming out. It actually really hurts, and yesterday it hit me hard. I felt nauseous and then had a fever for most of the day and some of last night. It sucks. It’s hard to be sick and have a baby. I feel weak, but babies want you anyway. I really really want to feel better now. I remember kind of enjoying being sick when I was a kid. Not the sick part, but I got to relax. I got to miss school, watch a movie, snuggle up in blankets. There were pleasurable elements… not so now. I just keep wishing that I can muster the energy to soothe a cranky baby. She actually hasn’t been bad at all, but I think it feels like she’s fussy. Thankfully Jeff had a day off yesterday so he was super helpful. I love him so much. He’s working today, but he told me that I shouldn’t worry about anything and that he’ll clean up after me when he gets home. So I’m not going to do anything except for rest and take care of my little girl. I really hope I can kick this without antibiotics. That would be a whole other thing to worry about…
The gerbera daisies that my mother-in-law gave me. I think they are just the most beautiful flowers!
May 14th:
My garden fairy. I’ll be putting her out there soon.
May 15th:
The wild geraniums I transplanted are blooming! I think that’s a good sign.
May 16th:
It’s a good thing she’s so stinkin cute. I can’t help but smile at her even through my fog. She just got a bunch of 3-6 month clothes from Jeff’s sister. This is good, she’s outgrowing most of her 0-3 month stuff. The only thing I will say is that it’s soooo girly. I mean, past the infant stage it’s almost impossible to find gender neutral stuff. So, she’s gonna be in a lot of pink by default. I am all about using what is given to us, and I’m not gonna be picky. The only ones I turned down were the things that said “Daddy’s little princess” and crap like that. I’m a snob in that way I guess. I kind of have a hard time with the girly stuff. I swore off pink by the age of 6. I will say though, some of the little girl things I have for this summer are undeniably adorable. Even the little thing she has on today. It just has a bear on the front. Below the bear says “Hello!”. Haha. Baby clothes are funny.
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- Let the world be fed - October 21, 2024
OOOHHH grace i am soo sorry you have to feel the pain of a plugged duct. I had that once too. I don’t remember it making me feel nauseous but i do remember pounding my fist on the wall as eli latched and nursed on that side because it hurt sooooo freaking bad. I could see my duct, it was white and swollen. so eventually i put a needle in it and later that night it popped itself and I was sooo relieved. I know others have plugged ducts and it feels like it is below the skin.
one tip that I got was to have baby nurse from different angles to help pop it. so mayebe try the football hold or sit her up on your lap facing you to nurse while you support her head. Good luck mama, you will get through this!
love the pictures as usual
Oh wow! You could pop yours? Mine is really in there under the skin. Yeah man, it hurts!!! But nursing feels good/bad at the same time! I’m steadily improving, so here’s hoping. Thanks for the advice about the different angles. I think I’ll try that next.
its soo good to know you are doing better because it is a damper
the first time and the most painful there was a big white dot like a pimple only bigger on my areola/nipple. and it was kinda in there but popping out a little raised. and it was soooooo painful. so i stuck a needle in there after about a day and that night there was no more white pimpley thing and i felt much better.
but i have also had bruised feelings from under the skin like in my boob not my nipple, that i think is the same thing. never resulting in other symtpoms like fevers just achey pain that felt good with hot compresses, massaging and nursing but hurt at the same time.
Ugh, plugged ducts!
A hot washcloth compress before nursing on that side helped me when I had them, and massaging the lump while nursing. Hope it goes away quick!
This is what i was going to suggest as well; hot compresses and massaging the lumps. these are all the things my mama told me to stef (my best friend who had q-baby just over a year ago) when she got a duct infection. Feels like the flu no?? also remember to drink loads and loads of fluids, flush your system out.
hope you are feeling better soon!
Yep, just like the flu… gross. I’ll remember to push the fluids. Thanks!
Thanks. Yeah, I used one of our disposable diapers and filled it with hot water. It keeps the moisture in and stays pretty hot. Haha, at least those diapers will get some use! 🙂
I have no way to sympathize with your plugged duct, but it sounds terrible! Here’s hoping for a speedy recovery!
Thanks, you!
It sounds like you have mastitis, you might want to put in a call to your midwife and ask her opinion. It is very different than just a plugged duct, it is an infection in you breast. If it doesn’t unplug it can get real serious. Is there any redness around the area where you feel the plug?
Yeah, I was a little worried that it had developed into mastitis, with the fever and all. It was red yesterday, but today I’m improved, no more fever, so I’m taking it as a good sign. I think I will call my midwife if my fever returns. Thanks for the advice!
ooh, i just made a post in my blogspot blog ( about frilly girly things. james’s family always gets her these obnoxious frilly girl things and i HAAAAAAATE it, but i also dont want to say anything.
are you massaging the duct and trying to unclog it???
Yay I love your new blog! (and the blue hair looks great!)
Yep, I’m painfully massaging away. The pain is definitely subsiding, so I’m kicking this thing!
When are we gonna get together?
are you free wednesday?
Yes, I think so!
aww, I hope you feel better! I found some natural remedies online that you might want to try. Go here and click on mastitis and lecithin and potato under plugged milk duct. you could also try that store thats next to tree city diapers. the all natural mothering store they have alot of herbs and i bet they would have good ideas.
i think you are striking a good balance for Vera with regards to her girly clothes (and everything else!). personally i think saying no pink is just the same as saying only pink, both are just as limiting. the trend now is gender neutralizing. it’s starting to feel like I can’t celebrate that I am a girly woman but that we all have to be androgynous beings. ok off my soap box.
you rock as a momma! feel better and get some rest!
oh duh the links!
Haha, I was thinking about this as well. I’ve found some adorable outfits, and while I don’t want her to be all pink, that doesn’t mean that she can’t just wear cute baby clothes. I shouldn’t be too concerned with “gendering” her, because she’ll work that out in her own time- I would hope that her clothes would have nothing to do with it. In the mean time, I can chill out and enjoy some cute (and sometimes pink) baby outfits… right? I totally think you are right on this one. I really couldn’t do the daddy’s princess stuff though. Gag!!!
Pink is just a color, daddy’s little princess implies things more so than just a color. I can see why you wouldn’t like the sayings, besides the fact that they are a bit cheesy. 🙂
Hope you feel better soon! 🙂
Thanks! I do! I’m sure it’s all this well-wishing that did it 😉
I’m glad from reading all your numerous posts (you are so loved, my dear!) that you are feeling better! I hope recovery continues and is swift.
Thanks darling! I adore you. Every time I think of you I think of warm bread and lemonade… in addition to your beautiful and witty personality. Isn’t that great?
wow, i’m feeling nauseated just reading that first convo about plugged ducts… i can’t imagine how much worse it’d be to actually have it!
i’m glad it seems like you’re feeling better, and as always, she is adorable!!