Little update while the littles sleep.
Jeff was supposed to go back to work this past Monday, but he found out that he wasn’t on the schedule until today. So we had an extra 3 days to have fun together, and it was lovely. It’s my first full day alone with the kids, and I must admit, it’s a little intimidating. I mean, it’s fine, of course. Kids up, fed, Asa had some fussy time, he fell asleep, my sister came over with her kids for a bit, and now both are sleeping. Really, I can do this. BUT, come 6ish and Asa brings out the big guns. It’s that bizarre "witching hour". He just screams his little head off for a while, off and on for about 3 hours… or just until his poor parents’ nerves are completely shot. Ugh. I remember it with Vera. It was short lived, but felt like it would never end when we were in it. As the time comes nearer, I’m tempted to get stressed out. BUT, I’m consciously working on being in the moment today, and so I won’t jump the gun here. I can do it. Yes I can. I just might hole up in the evenings until this phase passes, which I think might be okay. It was horrible going to people’s houses for dinner and baby would just scream. They’d all say it was okay, but I’m just thinking, who wants to hang out when you can’t even hear? I mean, it’s nice that people don’t mind and don’t want me to feel bad about it, but it just makes for a crazy noisy visit… I’m thinking about it. No thinking about it yet.
Anyway. We let the chickens out! We’re not really supposed to, but I think it’s fine as long as we’re out there with them. I think they loved it.
And my sweet little. He’s so SO sweet. I really love him. I just need to keep focusing on that when the work of it is hard. Today I actually said the "Serenity Prayer" out loud. One good thing about the crazy infant fussies is that they are humbling and remind you of all the things you’d love to work on- patience, love, gentleness, surrender, and yes, serenity. I’m praying lately- and not to anything in particular, which I guess is important to mention because the last time I regularly prayed was definitely TO a God. But, I’m not sure that I believe in that form of "God", so it’s feeling more like open meditation- a conscious release of energy and a recognition of my needs and desires. It’s good, I think. Plus, I’ve never minded using the word "God" to represent my higher power- I’m finding that I’m not a huge stickler for specific spiritual details, which I think was actually some of my problem with being raised religiously. I of course accepted the concrete truths that it presented, but ultimately I think it ended up being less of a relief/sign of truth to me than I think perhaps it is to others. As an example, I suppose I’ve never been able to be comforted by the idea that a single book would guide us, especially not one that is full of contradictions and problems. Even as a child some of the stories were unsettling and scary. Although I think to many, having such a concrete guide is a comfort. In my early faith life I consistently encountered situations and rules that didn’t quite feel right or loving, but were backed up by this doctrine or that. Now, it’s somewhat freeing to have love be my spiritual guide, taking what I can use and leaving what I can’t- it doesn’t magically transform the world into my playground or anything, but it does open me to new experiences and feelings about my spiritual self that were formerly off limits. Like the idea that I just don’t have to have the whole truth. It’s good. I guess I don’t really talk about that stuff here much, but parenting just provokes those thoughts in me so often. The desire to be a better person, to know myself better, to do right by the world. Pretty simple stuff, no big truth here. Anyway.
I weighed him this morning and he’s already 13 pounds. That means he’s gained over 5 pounds in just a month!
We went to the beach yesterday, even though it was a little chilly. I loved that it was cooler, after this crazy heat we’ve had for the past couple of months. Jeff took Asa for a walk at one point and V and I had a little one-on-one time. It was so nice. I realized I haven’t been able to have any with her, basically since Asa was born. That’s kind of the deal, he’s pretty attached to me for now, but it was so nice to have a little time to play. I swung her around in the water, we walked along the beach, I helped her jump and play on a big rock, and we snuggled when she got too cold. Love for my big girl.
Most of the time, though, was spent doing this.
I really loved having Jeff here all this time. I’m so glad we had the savings to do it. Yesterday he was saying how much he was going to miss being home with us, and I just sort of blurted "Yeah, it feels sad because you have no business being there…" Which was a weird thing to say, I guess, but with further thought I think it’s totally true. Spending so much time away from your family, your people, is just not natural. It’s not like Jeff doesn’t want to work or contribute, but for him to spend the majority of his waking hours doing something that is, were it not for money’s sake, totally pointless in his life… well it’s just silly. Now we could just say it means that he needs a different job, but that’s not it. He likes his job- he’s good at it and people love him there. It’s that he belongs with us, working beside us. That should be his job. It’s only in this crazy way of living that it requires him to leave us to fulfill that job. Because you know, we can’t live for free now. No one can. But we all used to, and we all mourn those days, in one way or another. Hopefully someday we’ll see that way of life again. But he is working on the side doing this IT stuff for a local company. He’s responsible for building that side of the business, and things are looking good. If it all pans out, he’ll eventually (and hopefully soon) be working mostly from home, and setting his own schedule! We’re really excited about this.
14 more quarts of tomatoes. We may just make our goal yet!
Latest posts by Gracie (see all)
- The Severe Gift - March 4, 2025
- On Grace - January 27, 2025
- Let the world be fed - October 21, 2024
Are you liking “The World According to Garp”? John Irving is really hit or miss with me. I liked the book a lot, I also really like “Cider House Rules” inifinitly better than the movie.
What a chunkstah Asa must be!! five pounds in a month is stellar!!!
Glad you got to spend some 1 on 1 with Vera, I bet it was as beneficial for you as it was for her.
I’m curious to know why you aren’t supposed to let the chickens run around in the yard?? Is that part of the rules for having urban chickens?
I just started it, but yeah, it’s really entertaining so far! This’ll be my first John Irving, I’ll let you know what I think. 🙂
Oh, I don’t think we’d get in trouble for it or anything, but the ordinance says that they have to be enclosed at all times. Whatev!
Those hens sure do look happy, and letting them out occasionally will help keep bugs under control. Asa is one healthy looking kid, too bad you have that grumpy time on a schedule.
I’m really jealous of your tomatoes this year. We haven’t even picked our first non-cherry tomato yet, not even ones with “early” in their name. Some people out here haven’t even had any tomatoes set, much less ripen. It really made me think about what it would be like to depend on the garden for our food, or to be a farmer trying to raise food to sell in conditions like this.
I’m so sad for you! And I thought the blight was a bummer- we’re at least sort of able to race to the finish. I’ve had thoughts like that, too… No matter what your garden does each year, it’s bound to deliver some kind of a valuable lesson. 🙂
We have a fox who has taken residence somewhere in our bushes – and I worry for our rooster Pavarotti. We have tried to make his cage secure but it is scary.
The fox is so incredibly gorgeous – I have glimpsed him/her a few times, just a flash of red fire running back into hiding in the lush green.
I hope he does not go hungry – and I hope he leaves Pavarotti be. *sighs*
That is the coolest rooster name in the history of rooster names… I hope you know that.
Okay, if you can get a picture of that fox, that’d be SO COOL! I hope he leaves your roo alone- perhaps you could leave him an offering?
5 lbs in a month?!?! Wow. You rock, Mama! Sorry about the nightly grumps, we went through that with Ben for a long, LONG time.
Vera looks enormous! What a big girl now.
Yeah! Although this morning I reweighed him and it said he’s actually 11 pounds… either way, he’s healthy! But I don’t know what’s up with the scale. Yeah, those evening fuss sessions are so tough! It made you stronger, right? RIGHT?!
I know, isn’t she? Such a kid! I think that about Ben every time you post new pictures. Seriously, every time. First thought when I see them is “Awwww… he’s getting so big!” It’s just amazing how fast they grow and change.
Ben is such a BOY now, it’s hard to even see him as a baby! I know he’ll always be my first baby, but it’s getting easier to see another sibling joining our family since he’s getting so big.
Ben had the hours-long scream fest until about 4 months old. 🙁 We were all wrecks. The only thing (and I do mean ‘only’) that helped was walking him up and down our so-called ‘magic stairs’. (We are in a ranch, so the only stairs are to the basement where it was about 20 degrees cooler.) So we’d hold screaming Ben and walk up and down the stairs. Over and over and over… I got really in shape but man, was I tired!
I’m hoping Asa adjusts to this world quickly and starts giving you an easier time in the evenings. You deserve it!!
as a semi-nerd by profession, i’m curious… what’s jeff doing on the side? building websites or something?
He’s doing tech support for a bunch of local non-profits. Right now he’s in charge of building that end of the business and branching out- I guess the business owners just didn’t have the time to put into it (they also have an online scheduling system that makes the majority of the money), so they asked Jeff to be in charge of it and help it grow. It could actually turn into a full time job for him! It’s also a really cool thing because it’s a small group of really down to earth people who are friends of ours. Exactly the kind of environment that I think would be really good for Jeff to be in.
Asa is filling out well – gorgeous baby chub! I hope you’ll find it okay now that Jeff is back in work. I think you take a really wonderful approach to parenting.
Just wanted to wish you a happy birthday 😀 *birthday hug*
Thank you! What a sweet birthday wish. 🙂