Just a quick one, cuz it’s been 10 days…
Vera has decided to start sleeping on the couch in the living room. I tried to bargain her out of it, to get her to sleep in her own bed that her father lovingly built for her, but I'm finding that I just don't want to fight these small battles. I remember being a kid, finding wonder in new places. I remember crawling into the kitchen cabinets and wishing it could just be my little house. I remember wishing I could turn the bathtub into my bed- I liked the glow of the lights through the shower curtain. And nothing compared to sleeping beneath a tree full of lights on a winter night. I'm sitting next to her while I write this, her eyes heavy and slowly blinking her into sleep. I worry that she'll be too cold but she insists she does not. want. another. blanket. I'll sneak one on her later…
Today we were at her ballet/tap class (which she was SO excited about in the beginning) and she decided to quit in the middle of the class. She came out, very matter of fact, and said "My brain hurts, it's too boring…" and "I don't want to do what they tell me to do." and "Mama, you're a squirm pot! Ahahaha!" All of this in front of the other parents and siblings waiting for their own little four year old dancers. It was funny. I tried to talk her into going back in a little, but in the end she just gave me a firm and calm "No." She doesn't want to go back, either. She said she'd rather dance however she likes, not how they tell her to.
This is my girl. My spunky, smart, willful, funny, sweet, beautiful little four year old. Vera Jean- I felt her strong and wild energy while I was pregnant and just kind of misinterpreted that feeling to mean she was a boy. Out she came, and as we got to know her it all just made sense. Oh that's who you are. You are Vera. You are exactly yourself.
I am approaching these things with a different attitude than I had imagined I would. I thought about it, and I realized I don't think there is any value in getting my kids to do something just because I tell them to (the only exception to this is when it comes to safety). I briefly attempted to give Vera time-outs when she turned 2, and we had a terrible battle of wills that left us both stressed and defeated. What worked better? Go figure, explaining it to her and giving her choices! It was like night and day. She is a little person, but a whole person. She is a person who cares greatly about owning her life. She does need to be guided and given boundaries, but I've found that reinforcing natural consequences and being careful to explain why we do the things we do has really gotten us to good places with her. She wants to be good, she wants to have friends, she wants to be healthy and strong. She wants to give and receive love. These things are so easy to tap into with her, and it gets difficult when I let my ego get in the way and try to force something with her.
I appreciate the way that her bright personality has gotten me to challenge the norm, and to realize that I don't actually want my kids to "obey" or to "follow-through" or to submit to any authority. I want them to choose good. I want them to choose to learn because they desire the knowledge rather than the feedback. I want them to question those who tell them to do something without a good enough explanation. I mean, I realized quickly that the only good reason to make her finish this dance class would have been so that Jeff and I felt better about having spent the money on it. Not a very good reason. Although I could probably have made it about teaching her how to commit to something or learn some level of self-discipline, why not make it about spending every Monday afternoon dancing around to Billy Joel and playing with her cousins? It was always about fun.There are so many other really good reasons to commit and to practice self-discipline in this life, I don't think that's something I'm going to need to orchestrate much.
Anyway, I guess long story short, I am happy to have the challenge of parenting this little soul. I am up for it. I feel like I'm the right mother for her.
Latest posts by Gracie (see all)
- The Severe Gift - March 4, 2025
- On Grace - January 27, 2025
- Let the world be fed - October 21, 2024
Why oh why doesn’t LJ have a like button? I know! I’ll use this icon. π
Oh Vera! π I’m so glad you love her for who she is, she is such an amazing kid.
I love spending time with kids who are treated as whole humans, they are so much more pleasant to be around. They are happier and everyone else is happier too! It really blows my mind how foreign the idea of garnering respect by actually showing some, is to so many parents. Hurts my heart and blows my mind. You are such a wonderful mama Grace! Your posts warm my heart. <3 <3 <3
Our little girls sound very similar. And our parenting goals/strategies sound very similar too. Although I’m not totally sure I’d let her sleep on the couch because…well I need to be out here doing work (it’s my only time to get my schoolwork done) and she never falls asleep if someone is up next to her. So I admire you on that one! We don’t really enforce bedtime though…she usually is tired by 8:30, but if she’s not, she is welcome to play in her room. And if she comes out, I pick her up, take her on a “tour” of what the house looks like at night, and then deposit her back to her room, which usually makes her happy. π
It feels great to have those moments – where you feel that the spirit inside the little one chose the right parent for their current journey. Like they could choose wrong, I know, but its still feels good when that knowning and stillness comes to you.
Maya goes for her first haircut today – her fringe keeps going in her eyes. Another little milestone..
Lovely and interesting entry π I too am the Mama of a strongwilled and feisty little person, allbeit a boy person instead of a girl one, and whilst it can be a challenge at times its also amazing watching them develop their own little personalities. I think our parenting styles may differ somewhat in that I’m a bit firmer with the boundaries because, for the attachment therapist part of me, that feels important to me so that Z feels safe at this developmental stage. However I also take a ‘choose your battles’ approach as it really isn’t worth getting into conflict over the small stuff and I try to facilitate as many choices as possible for him too so I think we probably share a lot in common there also π
I love this, and I love my niece. My fierce, fiery, creative and precocious niece. So proud of who these kids are. They are our greatest teachers.