It was bound to happen at some point…
Today Vera had her first official “blowout”, or in other words, a poop explosion. You know, she was cooing away in her chair and gnawing on her hands while I did some dishes and started making breakfast. Her brow furrowed, her face turned a pale red, and her eyes glossed over. “Eeeeuuuh!” I looked down lovingly, giggled a little, and mumbled “Ooooh, are we pooping my love?” (don’t judge, you’ll be amazed at what you say when you have your own.) And then it was over. I finished what I was doing, swooped her up and took her for a change. When I opened her diaper it dawned on me that it had not contained all that was deposited by my darling little sprout. Where did it go, you might ask? Straight up her back. There was poop EVERYWHERE. I was stunned for a moment and just stared at her, unsure what my next move might be. How do I keep this from getting all over my hands? How can I possibly get this diaper two feet to the bin without losing it all on the floor? How do I get her clothes off without smearing poop all over her head? And then I did it. I changed her with minimal damage, and I swelled with pride over my… finesse. Yes, it’s true, it’s possible to finesse a poopy situation. Remember that.
Gretchen was just over and we had delicious whole-wheat-oatmeal-blueberry-pecan-pancakes with strawberries, bananas, and pure Michigan maple syrup. Yum. I think I may have a new favorite pancake recipe. Then we planned her spring garden. It was a delicious morning. I mean, minus the poop.
I finished planting my perennial herb garden yesterday. I’m pretty sure we won’t have another freeze, although I’ll be checking the weather every night just in case. From left to right- front row- lavender, lemon balm, sage, chives, flat leaf parsley, curly parsley. Back row: more lavender (taller), thyme, oregano, rosemary, pineapple sage, dill. In the very back I’ve planted echinacea and calendula, and they are just sprouting now. I’ll take another picture when the flowers are up.
May 7th:
My little poop monster right after she was cleaned up. Don’t give me that innocent “what did I do” look! You know what you did…
There are things that I can’t seem to get really motivated to do. For example, I could cook or play in the garden all day long, but ask me to organize my clothes and stuff- can’t seem to buckle down and do it. There is a list of things like this that I really need to do, but I just don’t have the motivation… So Jeff suggested a point system. Basically I assign a number of points to these things, and then when I get a certain amount I get prizes. It all sounded very much like what you would try with a stubborn child, but I figure it’s worth a shot. I kind of am a stubborn child in some respects. So, my prizes so far are as follows- 50 points- I can buy a new plant! 100 points- a used book off amazon or something, 250 points- Jeff takes me out to dinner. That’s all I can think of that I’d want, but I’m sure I’ll come up with something else at some point. Anyway, the points will apply to all sorts of things- exercising, cleaning, organizing, projects, practicing guitar or banjo, etc. I feel hopeful about this idea. Jeff said he used a similar reward system (although for him the reward was chocolates) when he wanted to practice the drums more often, and he felt it worked really well.
Quote of the day:
“I am still determined to be cheerful and happy, in whatever situation I may be, for I have also learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions, and not upon our circumstances.” -Martha Washington
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- Let the world be fed - October 21, 2024
Aren’t blowouts fun? I was blessed with my first blowout on my birthday morning it was all over my bed.
Awwwww… isn’t he sweet? It’s the only present he could probably work out! Hahahaha gross.
Be sure to do your motherly duty, and tell the poop-monster story to her first boyfriend.
The herb bed looks nice. Does your kitchen door lead right onto that deck? That would be SO handy.
Hahaha! Yes! I must keep notes along with pictures- parents must stay organized when it comes to humiliating their teenagers. hahaha
Thanks! Oh I wish. It’s out front actually, and the kitchen is in the back. I don’t mind though, I’m just excited to do something with that front bed. I am planting more herbs on my back patio too. Isn’t it all so exciting!?
Your herb garden is still closer than mine. All the herbs that I plant out front seem to go to feeding the deer and bunnies. My herb garden is out the back door, 60 feet across the lawn, and through the gate into the regular garden.
If I ever get to design my own house, there will be a kitchen garden greenhouse attached. Or maybe I can move the kitchen into the greenhouse. Hmmmmm…
Oh I hope you post pictures sometime soon. It sounds beautiful.
Right now it would be a picture of the annual flush of bracken fern, with a glimpse of the rosemary sticking out. I’ve found that with the bracken fern, it’s better to let the fronds unfurl before pulling them so I get more of the root. It also gives things a cool, wild look while everything else is coming on slow.
She is so. darn. cute. I love watching her grow into her face.
And yes, those were some of the best pancakes I’ve ever had. I loved the texture, not too heavy, and the blueberries of course!
I also need to figure out a way to discipline myself to do the projects that need doing but that I find mundane, stupid, or just unnecessary.
Point system for you too? What would be your prizes?
He he he. Your blowout story made me laugh out loud because I remember having exactly the same reaction the first time (and subsequent other times actually) it happened with Zakary. The moment of pure confusion where you really don’t see how to clean them up or where to start followed by the overwhelming pride when you do it successfully. How can something so tiny make so much mess?? ๐
Yes. How can they make so much? Sometimes she would have a monster spit-up, and I’d think “There’s no way I gave her that much milk…” It’s amazing sometimes! I’m glad that all mothers get to go through this. I think it’s got some serious humbling potential. You don’t know what you’re made of until you’re covered in baby goo, I say. I probably would have yelled something that little baby ears should not be hearing! WOW
Glad you made it through that blowout without it becoming a full-fledged disaster!
I love your herb garden soooooo much! I cannot wait to start planting things!!! ๐
Yay! What are you guys gonna plant?
Hahaha! Poop always makes me laugh.
I mean, that sucks.
Hahahaha. I wish we could hang out more.
I know, I was just thinking about how we were in the same forum in high school. That was when I started getting to know you better. You’ve always been a really easy person to talk to. ๐ When Jeff told me about you two getting together, I remember thinking, “That makes sense.” I wish I could just teleport to MI whenever I felt like it and could hang out with you all.
Congrats on your clean-up skills!
Thanks! Maybe you’ll be fortunate enough to see it for yourself this summer!
heehee heeheeheeheehee heehee
Ah my giggly friend!
hahaha she does look so innocent, like she could NEVER make a mess of any sort!
that point system sounds interesting… i’ve been lacking motivation to do just about ANYTHING lately, so i’ll have to see if i can come up with something similar for myself. you’ll have to keep us posted, and let us know if it works for you!