Posted On July 17, 2007
I went to the doctor today, and I saw my little human sprout! It was amazing, and definitely made it more real for me. We saw it’s little heart fluttering in it’s chest, and heard the heartbeat. The most amazing part was how active the little guy was. Baby was moving it’s arms and legs all over the place!! Really, just so intense and hard to describe. Life is really amazing.
Anyway, I got a picture, but it’s not very detailed because baby is only about an inch and a half right now.
So, basically the baby’s head is on the right (inside the bean shaped dark area), and you can see a little arm and a little leg sticking up. Cute huh?
Anyway, that’s all really. It was just… crazy.
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Did everyone and their sister go get a sonogram today?
Do you want a boy or a girl? I hope it’s a unicorn! That’d be so cool! Except for you. Maybe the horn grows in when they get older. Less painful that way.
Congrats on the non-fake baby though! You used to the idea of being ‘mom’ yet?
To your first question: I have no idea what you’re talking about…
To the second: I want whatever. Unicorn would be cool, but yes, only if the horn grows in later. Maybe a pegasus? Although perhaps giving birth to a horse would kill me anyway. Oh well, here goes!
Third: No. I don’t think I will be until it comes out and looks at me. It was really cool yesterday though.
Do you wanna hang out tonight?
Sure, just give me a call.
so amazing!!! what nickname are you gonna use for your pistachio/jalapeño?
do you think you will find out the babe’s sex?
are you as picky about clothes as your sister? haha i have four maternity shirts that are long sleeved for your pregnant self in the winter. i’ll send you pictures.
YAY! I’ve been calling it a sprout lately, but who knows if that will change. I like the idea of my seed turning into a growing thing, so I guess that’s where it came from.
I want the sex to be a surprise. I love surprises. Plus, it’d be cool to get gender-neutral stuff.
No, I’m not as picky at all, and I will take any donations! I could even return them to you after February! You are so sweet 🙂
I’ve been thinking about you and Eli a lot lately, and how inspiring you guys are.
Hey Grace, Ben told me you were pregnant like me, thats cool. How far along are you I am 9 weeks today we had a ultrasound on Tuesday and got to see our little one I agree it is amazing to see the little guy growing inside.
Yeah, I read that, congratulations! I’m 11 weeks today, so we are pretty much prego-buddies! I would love to read about your progress!