Happy Monday
My little brother came into town as a surprise, and so it’s been a flurry of family activity. He lives in Texas, and is going to be touring in Japan in the early fall, so I may not see him again until Christmas time- and new baby will already be 5 months old! It was nice to see him. He’s been gone for over two years now, and I’m grateful that each time he comes home it’s a brief period of excitement and catch-up and then it’s just… normal. I love that. Although this visit Vera was shy with him the whole time. I forget how much of a presence the men in my family have. They are tall and strong and have big voices and booming laughter. It makes me smile and want to give them big hugs, but for Vera, a new big man (my little brother!) asking for a hug was a little overwhelming for her. I make a point to let her be shy, though. I let her bury her face into my chest and I cuddle her close until she’s ready to emerge. I remember being shy like that- I’m sure she gets it from me (because it wasn’t Jeff!). To some degree I still am that shy, I just don’t get to jump up in someone’s arms anymore… so I’m happy to let her have this time. I do wish that she saw him more, I just know that she’d get a huge kick out of him once she was comfortable. I’m sure he feels that way too. It’s just one of the sad things that accompanies my brother’s vocation.
Today is beautifully open for me, so I’m going to take this time to reset my head and my spirit and try to get organized. It’s also much cooler today than it has been, so I’m looking forward to spending most of my time outside.
Our potatoes have grown so fast lately, really everything has. We’ve already had to put up the second panels and bury the plants some more. I really hope these towers work and give us tons of spuds!
Our neighbor gave us some extra plants, which I’m happy to take! I’m learning so much. I thought that I didn’t care to start lettuce indoors because they’re so easy to plant outside. I underestimated how grateful I would be for those first few salads, though. Next year I will definitely make a little space on those shelves for some leafy plants to enjoy early in the season… that is if we can get them to grow! Oh, I’m also learning that old seed is not that great… I saved all my seeds and was very optimistic, but new seeds are definitely the way to go. I’ve got bare spots and some replanting to do as a result.
Beans just popped right up! Everything is getting so green.
I’ve also got no shortage of maple seedlings to weed. so. many. maple. babies.
Being just six weeks away from my due date is definitely making weeding and bending over for long periods kind of challenging. Thankfully I have an awesome gardening stool that my parents gave me that is a life-saver! Although, I can’t complain much. I was thinking about when I was this pregnant with Vera, and I was far less comfortable. I remember at Christmas that year I was about 7 weeks away from my due date, and I felt so much more challenged. It was hard for me to get up off the ground. I’m sure part of it was that I had an office job, so I was much less active and able to adapt. This time around, I’m a little rickety by the end of the day, and I’m finding that I’m slowing down a little, but otherwise I feel pretty normal. It’s so nice! At this point, though, I can tell that I would benefit from a daily stretching/yoga routine- to keep me strong and flexible. Things are just getting rounder. 🙂 Sometimes Jeff says "You’re totally pregnant now!" and I just roll my eyes and say "I was totally pregnant at the beginning, too…" But I know what he means. It’s a presence now. As for this little sprout- baby is super active. My belly moves all over the place, and I just can’t wait to meet this little person. Jeff said that he’ll miss me being pregnant. I’ll miss it too. I wonder if my tune will change a month from now…
Vera loves this little dirty plastic bear. She calls it her "Teddy", and some days nothing else will do. She went at it with a pen the other day and I didn’t think much of it. Then yesterday Jeff pointed out that it looked like she had signed her name on its head. Sure enough, I see a "Vera". Haha. My genius child…
She’s such a spunky, silly, willful, sweet, clever, beautiful little girl. So so verbal, she cracks us up all the time. She’s constantly in the dirt and getting banged up. I hug her while she cries a lot these days. It’s never for long, though, because there’s so much to explore. The other day I was taking a shower and she was outside with Jeff. Next thing I knew she was plopped in the shower with me- naked and caked in dirt from head to toe. The water was practically black as it went down the drain. It was amazing the amount of dirt on that girl, and I’m pretty lax about that kind of thing. I asked Jeff what happened and he said "She was playing in the dirt…" Uh huh. More like swimming in it. Builds the immune system, right?
Oh yeah, we’ve been working on the chicken coop, and decided to wait until the Saturday after next to get our chickens. I’ll have time to order a book and we realized we wanted it all to be a little more finished before we bring the birds home. No rush. We’re having fun. So over the next two weeks we’ll paint the coop and finish it all up, partially build a piece of the greenhouse that will be up against their run, build the chicken wire enclosure, and finish fencing the garden area (basically to keep Maya from bugging the chickens).
FRUIT! Oh how I love fresh fruit. Our baby cherries are just starting to turn color, and strawberries are finally ready to pick. We’ll go picking next weekend, and probably lots after that. We need lots of berries… Food storage begins! I’ll be drying, freezing, jamming, and fermenting all those strawberries, and of course lots of eating them fresh.
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- The Severe Gift - March 4, 2025
- On Grace - January 27, 2025
- Let the world be fed - October 21, 2024
I was just talking to my husband last night about how I REALLY want to get serious about storing produce this year. I’m clueless when it comes to things like preserving/canning/etc. Is there a good book or other resource you can recommend for a beginner?
Up until now, I’ve just frozen the basics from our garden (tomatoes, beans, peppers, etc.). Is there anything special you need to do to strawberries before freezing them?
The Ball Blue Book of Preserving is one that people swear by. I don’t have it, but I’ve flipped through it and it seems to be like the classic book for people. I’ve got one that’s great that is called ‘The Busy Person’s Guide to Preserving Food’. If I hear of more I’ll be sure to let you know! I’m always a fan of google. 🙂
The only thing I do to strawberries is clean and cut the tops off, and then freeze them first on cookie sheets and then put them into containers/bags after they are fully frozen so they don’t clump together.
Awesome, thanks for the suggestions and tips! 🙂
I’m hoping to go strawberry picking sometime soon! In NY (a bit further north than here) we always went at the end of June. In your experience, when is the best time to go? I don’t know when strawberries usually ripen around here and it’s been so hot this spring that maybe they’re growing more quickly!
I’m hoping to can some strawberry jam after picking too: my mom’s is to-die-for and I should have some in my own cupboards 🙂
I think now is a good time! You should check with the closest berry farm- or go to their website. I think mid-June is perfect timing around here, usually.
messy kids 🙂
I began to feel guilty after moving to NY and living a more social life with our church. My kids are always slightly grubby! Their hair doesn’t stay “fixed” and it seems they are always crawling around, finding critters, and in general just slightly messy or unkept. But I have decided also that they are very healthy, happy and sweet little people so I really enjoy their explorations and when they come running up to me with their new “friend” who is an ant or house fly named “sweetie” or whatever I just shake my head at them and smile. I remember myself as a child growing up in a much more country setting I wuoldn’t change it. I’d rather have happy rag-a-muffins any day to prissy little princesses 🙂
Re: messy kids 🙂
I feel exactly the same way! Yeah, the only time I feel self-conscious about her having a little dirt around the edges is when I’m around people that have higher standards. But it’s never based in anything real. I’d always rather her feel comfortable and able to explore than concerned with whether or not she’s met other people’s physical standards.
Happy Monday
I probably should remember this from some other post, but don’t… Is your brother in the military?
Re: Happy Monday
Nope- he’s a musician and he moved to Austin for the great music scene there.