Gratitude Friday

Here we have sweet little Tuula stuck in the doll cradle. She was a tad panicked, and as her mother ran for my camera, it brought me right back to a scene a few years ago…

She had just learned to scoot around and had backed herself up against the couch in a very peculiar way. We scrambled for the camera and only managed to get this fuzzy shot. It cracks me up.

I love being a witness to these children. Knowing their faces well enough to think "Hey! I think that’s the same face she made when she got stuck three years ago!" I’m also grateful for the fun that my sister and I have in situations like that, even if it was a little neglectful for a moment. Sometimes you’ve just got to snap that picture before you swoop them up!

I loved everything about the weather today. Snow melting and bringing the smell of wet thawing earth to my nose… basking in sun and spending a couple of hours walking around outside, feeling spring in my bones.

Grateful for my sweet little guy and the two new teeth that are coming in up top. Who knows how long it’ll take, but they are definitely coming. He’s also getting more enthusiastic about food- 2 months earlier than his sister did, but he’s also quite the chunk. Loving his expressions and watching him taste foods for the first time.

I’m grateful for the perfect tacos tonight for dinner. Oh yes. We splurged on lime and avocado and did it right…

Oh yes, and I’m also grateful for a nearly finished seed order and final garden plan, and some eagerly awaited seed starting supplies that came in the mail yesterday! So much fun!

I’m also grateful for the incredible community of urban homesteaders ™ that have sprung up over the recent controversy- banding together and being awesome and hilarious and pissed off (rightfully). I mean, there’s a facebook page that popped up in protest just two days ago, and it’s already got almost 3,000 followers. People are networking and talking about how to prevent things like this in the future. People are asking advice on cows and chickens and asparagus. It’s great, although I am pretty sad about that family and the hole they’ve dug for themselves. Such a shame. But, it just goes to prove that, even when everything goes wrong, even if you get hit by a car, there’s always something to be grateful for.

What are you grateful for today?


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