Garden in early June.
I am still sore! The other day Jeff and I just went to work all day on the garden, then later I took a long walk with my sister and the babies. I ended up falling asleep on the couch about 20 minutes into our movie. It’s how my days keep panning out lately, I start strong and reach a tired point in the afternoon, then keep pushing through, then pass out at around 10pm whether I want to or not. I’m having fun. I’m learning a lot. I’m feeling alive. Now Vera and I have a cold, which feels bizarre considering that it’s JUNE now. I’m rarely sick, but in June I catch a bug. Figures. A June-bug. I can’t be too sad because it’s been all rainy, so it feels good to snuggle up with a book, a blanket, and some tea. Sometimes that’s all I want to do, and this cold is a perfect excuse. Although I did just spend a bunch of time outside in the dirt…
This past Saturday I went to an all-day WAPF conference. It was great. Much of it I already knew, but it was one of those things where it all kind of clicked once I heard it from an expert and they could put it all together for me. There were also new things that I learned that kind of blew me away. Basically our diets are crap and most people are suffering from it whether they know it or not. We have to fix this, and I’m so so grateful that I’m young and able to feed my family good food, ethically, right from the start. I’ll probably write much more about this in the near future, but for now I’m still absorbing and organizing it, 3 days later.
Here’s the progress that we’ve made so far. Well, actually it’s different now. I went out there this evening and built a square bed by the tip there, where that little plop of compost is at the edge and planted my zucchini. I also built up a teepee trellis thing around it. So far I have my tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, zucchini, some lettuce, acorn and butternut squash, broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage planted. I still have much more to do. I think Jeff and I are slowing down our minds a little, as this half of the garden is really plenty for this year, and we’ll work on expanding it to the other side of the yard this fall and prepping it for next spring. As it is, this is the biggest garden I’ve ever had… I can’t help but crack a smile thinking of all the tomatoes I’m gonna get. I might actually be able to store a good amount of food this year. This is truly becoming one of the great joys of my life. I love gardening!
We planted a dwarf cherry tree on the north side of the yard. We also planted a blackberry bush, and what we thought was a raspberry plant but is actually some kind of rosebush, so this weekend I’m off to hunt for a real raspberry. I think it’s kind of a good thing, though, because I realized that I want to plant Vera’s placenta somewhere, and I’ve planted most of the big stuff for the year. It seems appropriate to plant it under a raspberry bush- I drank so much red raspberry leaf tea when I was pregnant, it just seems right. Next year I plan to plant a blueberry plant and a dwarf plum, and hopefully erect some kind of greenhouse.
Yay garden! I feel like I’m running really late on everything, but I have to push those thoughts to the back of my head and just get stuff in the ground. Each year there have been failures and successes, and this year will be no different. I feel an excitement this year, though, that I didn’t in years past. This year it’s MY garden. It’s my house, my family, my ambition.
I hope you all are gardening away and having fun.
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- The Severe Gift - March 4, 2025
- On Grace - January 27, 2025
- Let the world be fed - October 21, 2024
I have indeed been gardening away! Although I have to say yours puts mine to shame as far as size goes. mine is all in pots and raised beds because the soil here is rock hard clay. We won’t be here long enough to try and bother with trying to amend it, which takes years.
So far I have eight tomato plants, mint, eggplant, summer squash, zucchini, basil, tarragon, some kind of oregano, rosemary, lettuce, radish, carrots, and bush beans. Here’s hoping it all comes up and does ok.
Sounds great! I’m a huge fan of container gardening- I hear all too often that people “can’t” garden because of the lack of a good yard. I say container gardening is the way to go! I hope you post about your progress and all the good food you’ll be eating this summer. π
If I can get something to grow using only my black thumb, containers, dappled partial sunlight, and soil anyone can! LOL!
I definitely will post about the progress π It just rained here recently (very rare for this area) and my garden looks quite pleased about it.
Beautiful! I can’t wait ’til I can have a garden again, I miss it tremendously…but I’ll just have to make it by with the farmer’s markets this year:)
Aw, well you’re right about farmer’s mkt. It’s so good to get really fresh food anyway you can. I’m gonna rely on it a fair amount, I’m sure. I can’t wait until you have a garden and I can read about it!
I adore the market, I just wish there were more of them here…as it is, I have to travel a half-hour or so to the nearest town, and it’s only Saturday mornings.
I really hope to have a garden next year, and hopefully a house of some sort to go with it:)
Your garden is awesome.
Haha, thanks! I love your icon, btw.
8 beds, thats amazing- your backyard is HUGE! I’d say thats what we got maybe not the same size and we’re expecting quite a bit more this year than the past. I love the stones and I can totally visualize the other half of garden with a cobb play house for vera in the center! YAY for gardens and good food.
Yeah, we feel really lucky to have this space. You guys need to blog about your garden! I checked Isiah’s blog and it’s still that post about garlic last year… Anyway, you know you are welcome to stay here and eat anytime. Our house is Eli/Lindsay ready. π
oh geez yuo’re so great, I would love to stay at your place with my next visit! Also, I kinda blog about our garden stuff, but Isiah is way better with the details and being concise π I like his bloggins he keeps saying he will & all our pictures are on the comp!
We have garlic scapes right now, lots of strawberries, lettuces, kale. Beets are almost done but we’ve picked some for salads, and brocolli is almost ready to be cut. In another month we’ll have covered counters of everything else!
Yes, but does it run Linux?
I’m sure Jeff can rig something.
ok i’m tired just looking at your garden!! it’s so impressive, great job!
Thanks! Yeah, lifting all those cement blocks really made me sore for a few days. Well worth it, of course. π
what a lot of hard work!!! It is beautiful! I think it is great to “plant” the placenta its a very special thing I have heard! I will have to wait another year or so to have a garden of my own. There is a saying I found in a beautiful flower garden back home. I lived within wlaking distance the lady who owns the garden and works it has a sign that said “to garden is to walk with the Lord”;_ylt=AlDhtQryZjHMfqtQuVIytcePSGoL
This is the link full of lovely photos, I used to love to go and sit next to the spring waterfall and relax.
That garden is beautiful! I’d love to learn how to garden like that- to create an oasis. I get to play in my front yard (all shade). Looking at those will give me lots of inspiration! Thanks!
Oh, and I completely believe that gardening brings you closer to god- whatever that may mean for each person. It has certainly been true for me. π
Beautiful garden!!!!
Also, what are you up to next week?? I’ll be in the mitten from the 9th to the 23rd and i’d love to see you!
Totally! I’ll be here, just let me know what days are good for you- I’m sure you have a lot of people to see. π
Awesome! I do have tons of people i want to see, but i’m hopefully spending the whole 2 weeks in town, so that makes it easier for me to cram everyone in there. I have several people to visit in Ypsi, and i’d looove to see your beautiful garden in person!
I know I don’t post LJ entries much…. shame on me! But I just feel the need to tell you that reading your journal entries always bring me back to what’s really important in life. Even at times you feel like you may not be getting much accomplished, I assure you… you are! You accomplish much more than many folks who aren’t doing even half the work you are doing. You are getting more accomplished than many poeople who have not even have had children yet. I have not started my own family yet (that will change soon π ) but yet I complain of simple tasks, such as raking…. shame on me! You garden your own vegetables, you raise a daughter, you still have room to love your partner with all your heart, you are reaching out to women who need you in the birthing process. You are about to go to massage school. You are more than half the woman that I hope I become someday. Remember – we are always sooooo much harder on ourselves than others are. Give yourself a break and realize how much you bring to the world. π
Wow, what amazingly nice things to say. Thank you. I’m really glad that you benefit in some way from reading my little musings. I hope you change your mind and write more, I really like your posts a lot. Doug said that you have some really wise things to say- we were talking about you because of your picture on his fridge (I’m his cleaning lady now! haha). That’s certainly been noticeable through your writing. I’m so excited for you and your growing family, too! π
I love love LOVE your garden. You’re going to have so many good things!!! Yum Yum Yum!!! We need to get some more tomato seedlings; we only have 2 and that’s not going to be enough tomatoes for me!
I read somewhere (and I can’t remember where and if it was true or not) that the placenta is so full of nutrients that you’re supposed to bury it and then a YEAR later plant whatever kind of tree/bush over it so that you don’t accidentally kill the plant. Have you heard this? It seems like an awfully long time.
I’m really hoping to plant the baby’s placenta this year, but good tree planting times are in the spring and early fall. Jake is really freaked out by the thought of a frozen placenta in our freezer, so I’m not sure what we’re going to do.
Thanks for letting me know about the pre-planting placenta thing (haha, say that five times fast). Anyway, I’ll do more research first! Oh, and it’s really easy to forget about it in the back of the freezer…
I am so astonished with you as a woman. Mother, wife, doula, gardener, friend….WOW.
Your garden looks amazing, by the way!
You are so sweet! I’m always inspired by your convictions and strength and endless generosity. It’s a good thing we know each other, I think. π