Everything dances
Something you learn early on when you observe women in labor is that they find some kind of coping technique to help them deal with contractions. We’ve all seen the cliche breathing with the partner to get through it. Anyway, women will find all sorts of things. They’ll moan, they’ll roll their hips, they’ll sway, they’ll breathe, they’ll pat something with their hand, they’ll bounce on a ball… anyway, rhythm seems to be at the core of these coping techniques, and we’re taught to help them roll with that and to encourage their rhythm- their instinctive way of coping with the process. Now you know that I’m always comparing elements of my life to labor, but lately I’ve been really thinking about the whole concept of having a rhythm. I’ve started to see it in everything. From little Asa’s desire to be comforted through rocking or bouncing, to the slow rhythm of the seasons… rhythm has infused itself into our lives in an undeniable way. Our hearts beating, our breath, the daily cycles of waking and sleeping- it all has a rhythm if you look. Now I’m starting to see that when my life is out of sync, I can feel it. Like the other day, when Asa was crying and I was frustrated and trying to do something else, it was when I matched my rhythm to his that we both found peace. The noise was too great and too confusing when we weren’t working together. I think much of life must be like this- a symphony of cycles and rhythms that keep everything flowing.
Rhythm, rhythm, rhythm. In everything.
And so I’m thinking more and more about how to be conscious and encourage these things in our lives- to create a more cohesive rhythm. Both to benefit myself and keep things moving smoothly, but also so these kids can wake each day with a sense of security and purpose and enough of a footing to be able to leap forward if they want. Anyway, I hope I’m making sense. Personally, I’ve never felt like I required much in the way of structure- I’ve never needed to live in a spotless house, I can drop or make plans without feeling too bothered, I feel pretty easy going most of the time. But now, with the addition of these two littles in my life, I’m finding that I require it in a new way. Now it’s not just me navigating around other people, I’m trying to help these kids find their way around, too. And I need a little more structure than I used to to keep us going.
For me, these are things that are helping: I’m finding a chore chart really useful (unheard of for me! I used to groan at my mother for trying to implement such things!), sleeping and waking at the same time, outside time, scheduled and planned exercise, menu planning, meals together, and then there’s the obvious seasonal kinds of work that I’m doing now with the garden, etc, that I’m still getting the hang of. Things I would love to do but am not yet include: daily yoga, regular bread making, a weekly crafty night with friends, a weekly walk with one of my other friends (we used to do it religiously and loved it, but it’s been a busy summer!), and I dream of a nightly bath, but I won’t hold my breath. For the kids, I’m still working that one out. With Asa, whatever he needs he just lets me know right now- but it’s all pretty rhythmic. Rocking, sucking, the sound of my heartbeat… But for Vera, I’m hoping to do some more guided stuff. My sister got a hold of this homeschooling curriculum for young kids (like Vera and Tuula, under 4) that’s all about rituals and seasons and cool stuff. I hear it involves a ritual candle lighting and blessing each morning and night. I think she’ll love it.
I’m loving this right now- it’s name is so appropriate. I’m gleaning lots of inspiration from it.
Anyway, what’s your rhythm? Is there anything that you do that helps you feel more grounded? Do you have any ideas for kids?
Quote of the day:
"Everything has rhythm. Everything dances." (Maya Angelou)
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I’m reading “You Are Your Child’s First Teacher” right now, and she speaks a lot to the rhythm of the home that kids need. If you’ve not read it, you should. Very influenced by Waldorf methods, and also just some good ideas for fostering the unfolding of your childrens’ consciousness.
Right there with ya on the chore charts and flow of the day…something I’d never thought I’d do, but it’s so helpful to know that today is the day that we clean the bathroom, and so on. It’s also helping to keep things the same, like get up, washed, dressed and make the bed before heading downstairs. Then eat, clean up, play outdoors, etc. Little chunks of the day devoted to certain things just keeps it flowing better.
What homeschooling curriculum will you two be using? I’d like to hook up with some like-minded families to start working on that soon.
Thanks for the recommendation. I’ll totally check it out! We’re really leaning towards Waldorf methods- it really resonates with me and I think Vera would love it all.
I’m not sure what the curriculum is called, but I’ll ask Gretchen and get back to you. You guys are planning on homeschooling?
Thanks! I’d like to hear more about how it goes once you start the curriculum.
We aren’t firm on schooling plans, but I gravitate toward homeschooling…for so many reasons. Paul’s not sold on it completely, so we’re discussing it here and there (I’m sure that it will ramp up in the next year or two). 🙂
It’s this: http://www.littleacornlearning.com/
I just bought the September curriculum to try it out, and I really like it. It’s very simple, not academic at all, just full of suggestions for rhythm, art and outdoor projects, stories, verses, cooking/baking projects, etc. It’s themed, which I like, and has a 3 or 5 day option.
I’m having a hard time getting started with it because my work schedule and our life in general is a little chaotic right now so it’s hard to figure out how to tweak it to fit our needs. It may end up being something we do in the afternoons, or we’ll just take pieces of it, or something. But I do think it gives some great ideas that I wouldn’t have thought of otherwise.
Thanks Gretchen! I’ll check it out today…I hope it goes well getting it started in your family. 🙂
Everything does have a rhythm! People often look at me strangely when I try explaining that life’s energy has a pulse. I swear you can feel it everywhere if you really focus. As usual, love this post! 😉
Yes! It’s everywhere! No strange looks here, and that’s a great way to put it- “life’s energy has a pulse”. 🙂
you are so right on. parenting, homemaking, life itself is all about the rhythm and balance.
Nice to hear from you! How is everything?
This is something that is becoming way more important to me. I’m noticing the ways in which I have required kids to go with MY schedule, rather than create a FAMILY schedule, with everyone’s needs equally weighted. I mean, I’m not totally insensitive to their needs, and if something important calls, it gets done. But I do think we could stand to have a little more structure. Regular mealtimes, at least. That’s been hard with a kiddo who eats like a bird, but I’m going to try.
Aside from practical structure, like mealtimes and bedtimes and Laundry Days, I do think it’s important to incorporate some ritual into our days. This is why the Daily/Nightly Blessing & Candle lighting feel special and important. Why storytime can be magical. Why I love that Tuula and I look for “Sister Luna” every night, note if she’s waning or waxing, note if she’s hiding behind clouds. These things are grounding and essential, IMO, because they slow us down and help us call Spirit into the details. We notice the fire of the candle, we notice the wind when we look up at the moon. For this reason also I’d really like to incorporate some daily Yoga or even some simple stretches that we do together, just to get kids into the habit of paying attention to their bodies. There’s a Child’s Meditation that’s in this nature curriculum that I think is awesome for this, being conscious in your body and your physical senses.
Oh, hm, lots of thoughts. 😉 So sweet, figuring out these dances.